The 3-hour diet to dispose of one kg per week
Today I’m talking about Jorge Cruise , personal trainer and nutritionist famous for his best-selling books on diets.
His most famous and most successful diet for those who want to lose weight easily is undoubtedly the 3-hour diet.
In fact, on the 3-hour diet, you eat every three hours, up to six times a day in total. You can dispose of one kg a week by having three meals of 400 calories each and 2 snacks of about 100 calories, so as to never drop your blood sugar and support your metabolism despite the calorie cut.
Undoubtedly an intelligent approach because it prevents us from being very hungry.
Breakfast is eaten one hour after waking up, and from that moment on, it is eaten every three hours.
Breakfast at eight? Snack at eleven, lunch at two, snack at five, dinner at eight. Since you go to bed, you have to fast for three hours.
According to Cruise, eating little but often causes the body to burn more.
A theory that has been pushed forward by some studies on diet-induced thermogenesis , but which has been disproved by other studies. However, eating little but often has other benefits.
It reduces intestinal discomfort especially in those who have problems digesting complex meals, so it works to reduce belly bloating. At the same time, it is a strategy, as I said, useful if we have to stay on a diet, because with numerous meals it seems to eat more.
On the other hand, for those who have difficulty getting sated and love large meals, the 3-hour diet should be avoided: in this case the volumetric diet or the rice diet of dr Rosati is very effective .
In meals of 300-400 calories (breakfast, lunch and dinner), the dish must be more than half of vegetables or not very sweet fruit, an olive is the size of the fat (so a teaspoon of butter or oil), the palm of the hand must be represented by the amount of carbohydrates, and protein foods must provide about 25 grams of protein.
For example, a large salad with mixed vegetables and a teaspoon of oil, 130 grams of lean meat, 40 grams of wholemeal bread or rice. The snacks are two or three. Two, between mid-morning and mid-afternoon, consisting of a fruit or a yogurt. Before going to sleep you can’t really have a snack, but a small 50 calorie snack. For example, a 10-gram cube of chocolate.
Let’s see all these things better with an example plan, which with the variations can allow us to do the diet for 4 weeks.
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