The 3-day raw food diet

The 3-day raw food diet

Did you know that one of the causes of nervous hunger, especially of sweets and salty, fried or fatty foods, is bacterial? Our gut bacteria affect the body’s ability to feel full, convert energy resources into fat even when we move all day, and we seem to be doing everything we can to stay active. The good news is that it takes 24 hours to change our intestinal flora . From this point of view, it makes sense to talk about detox: not so much because the liver and kidneys do not know how to eliminate excess toxins. Here it is an intestinal detox, to reduce swelling, increase regularity, reverse those processes that lead us to crave sweets and hunger 24 hours a day!
Ideal in the summer, this detox is a lightning raw dietwhich includes small and frequent meals so as not to overload the intestine, raw feeding, in order to preserve the enzymes and trace elements, especially in fruit and vegetables. For those who prefer there are vegan alternatives.
Plus, it only lasts 3 days and allows you to lose some weight!

How to do it? Follow this simple meal plan and remember to drink plenty of water to facilitate bowel regularity.


Breakfast: a glass of water and lemon with cinnamon +
– a portion of banana and coconut balls (obtained by soaking a very ripe banana in the juice of half a lemon, and adding 3 tablespoons of rapé or dehydrated coconut. saute in coconut: you can make this recipe the night before and keep it in the fridge) + a ripe kiwi, or:  
– a portion of cocoa and avocado mousse: blend 100 gr of ripe avocado with a spoon (10 gr) of raw bitter cocoa, a pinch of whole salt, half a glass of coconut water or organic apple juice or unsweetened organic almond milk, stevia to taste. Snack 1: a glass of coconut water or a citrus juice (200 ml) Snack 2:

a handful of almonds (about 6)

Lunch: a cold vegetable soup obtained by blending 1 large ox-eye type tomato with 2 cucumbers and half a green pepper, a piece of garlic, parsley and fresh mint, a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and one of olive oil, salt to taste ( valid for all three days) +
150 gr of organic smoked salmon + mixed salad
or 150 gr of fish marinated in lemon juice and herbs (anchovies, filleted swordfish, filleted raw tuna: pay attention to the quality of the fish) with raw carrots julienne and a handful of rocket with a teaspoon of oil, vinegar and salt
or 80 gr of quinoa (soaked 24 hours before) or 80 gr of millet (same procedure) with a mix of raw vegetables of your choice between champignon mushrooms, carrots, endive, rocket, spinach, lettuce, salad, zucchini, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, red onions, coriander or parsley, chopped olives, extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper
or  a portion of sashimi + mixed salad with a teaspoon of oil, vinegar and salt
or a portion of champignons with a handful of tomatoes dried into small pieces and 50 grams of raw milk flakes cheese plus a teaspoon of oil.

Snack 3: a 100g portion of raw vegan yogurt ( see recipe ) or a smoothie with avocado 50g + 200g melon or watermelon (or alternatively: peaches)

Dinner: detox salad with endive, thinly sliced ​​fennel, celery and cucumbers, a dozen olives + a tablespoon of pumpkin or sunflower seeds, lemon juice and a teaspoon of oil or a portion of guacamole with raw vegetable wedges + a mixed fruit salad 300 g  or  1 sweet smoothie with a banana, 2 figs, half a glass of water, a handful of lettuce and 5 or 6 walnuts as an alternative to fruit salad.

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