The 3-day diet before the holidays

The 3-day diet before the holidays

A 3-day diet, for a total of 72 hours, to start before the holidays, or to be done immediately after.
Inspired by the pyramid diet of Danni Levy ( The Pyramid Diet ), English coach and wellness expert, this 3-day diet is a cyclical diet. That is, it is a diet that allows you to lose weight quickly by cyclically alternating the consumption of carbohydrates .

One day of normal carbohydrates, one day of moderate carbohydrates and one protein day.
It can also be done starting from dinner on the first day until dinner on the third, the important thing is that 72 hours pass from the beginning of the diet onwards.

Why does it work?
This 3 day diet is a great way to keep your metabolism high. In fact, carbohydrates are not completely given up. A perfect diet for those who foresee abundant lunches or dinners in view of the holidays or a holiday, in which perhaps too many sweets will be eaten and carbohydrates will be loaded.

In short, this 3-day diet works as a compensation diet.
Let’s see the scheme and the main rules.

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