The 1300 calorie diet with light recipes

The 1300 calorie diet with light recipes

A diet with 1300 calorie light recipes ideal for a sedentary woman who needs to cook for the whole family or who in general is looking for something more delicious. It can be done for one to two weeks to lose 2 pounds quickly, plus it is a good cooking school that will allow you to learn how to cook in a lighter and lower calorie way.

The characteristic of this diet with light recipes is that it does not seem like a diet at all.
And it also allows you some whim without effort, but in a more natural and balanced perspective.
Here’s how to do it with all the variations.


Breakfast: valid for every day

Choose from the options.
1) Two light cocoa muffins + 180 ml of skimmed or soy milk without sugar with coffee and sweetener.
2) A portion of sweet couscous + 150 ml of oat, rice or coconut Alpro light or soy milk with coffee and sweetener + 8 almonds.
3) A slice of gluten-free and light chocolate cake + 200 ml of skimmed or soy milk without sugar with coffee and sweetener or 125 grams of Vitasnella low-fat 0% fat yogurt + coffee or tea with stevia.
4) A slice of dietary protein cheesecake + 100 grams of banana + coffee or tea with stevia.
5) 2 fat-free oatmeal cookies+ 150 grams of white skimmed Greek yogurt with a teaspoon of honey and cinnamon + coffee or tea with stevia.

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