The 10-day belly deflates diet

The 10-day belly deflates diet

The 10-day belly deflating diet is a useful diet for those suffering from intestinal swelling and prominent belly, conceived by Dr. Kellyann Petrucci , author of the Broth Diet , now in bookstores in the States with the book “The 10 Days Belly Slimdown “.

This is not a restrictive plan, but a series of rules to follow for ten days to have immediate results on our waistline.
Previewed on the Dr. Oz show, I translate the principles of the belly deflating diet exclusively for you. 


  1. Eliminate foods that cause bloating . These foods are typically alcohol, dairy products, artificial and natural sweeteners (apart from stevia), simple sugars, legumes other than fresh peas, overly sugary and excess gluten fruit, carbonated drinks.
  2. Do a mini-fasting : keep the intestines at rest, eating within a 7-hour time frame. This means sacrificing one meal between breakfast or dinner, and having two meals and a snack in 7 hours.
    For example, the doctor recommends eating between eleven in the morning and six in the afternoon: late breakfast at eleven, lunch at two, small snack at four and a meal instead of dinner by six. Go to bed early by half past ten. All for 10 days.
  3. Drink something hot and nutritious first thing in the morning: Petrucci obviously recommends a cup of broth, but you can also drink half a cup of hot skimmed milk or warm water with lemon and a little barley malt. This drink does not have to fall under the 7-hour rule and can be used as a wake-up drink. The coffee should be consumed later.
  4. Eat foods that support your gut: In main meals, eat low-starchy, low-sugar foods, so lean protein and vegetables should be the big part of the plate. Just a little carbohydrates to follow.
  5.  Add Some Belly Deflate Food: To this plan add some foods that work to deflate the belly, such as coconut and coconut milk, avocado, egg white omelette, or eggs.

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