The 1-day compensation diet after the epiphany

The 1-day compensation diet after the epiphany

The diet of one day after the epiphany is a very simple compensation diet, that is a restrictive diet which, however, is done for a very limited period of time, which generally goes from one to three days; why so little? Precisely because it is restrictive, that is, it ranges from 800 to 1000 calories and is perfect when the previous day we have definitely exaggerated at the table and want to keep ourselves light. But it is much better to follow a diet like this one, conceived by Professor Pietro Migliaccio, dietician and nutritionist, who think of solving it by eating “lots of fruit” and drinking lots of water or making some soup. The reason is simple: with the meals described in this compensation diet you will not be hungry and you will still feel like you have had normal meals, even if reduced and low-calorie; eating fruit or skipping meals will only make you hungry and risk not making it to the end of the day without binging on something. Let’s see how to do this simple diet day for January 7th!

Calories: about 850

Breakfast : partially skimmed milk (1.8%) gr. 100, coffee to taste with a teaspoon of sugar and a rusk or tea to taste with a teaspoon of sugar and two rusks. As an alternative to the teaspoon of sugar, you can use a teaspoon of jam.
Snack : an apple of 150 gr. or a cappuccino
Lunch:  drained tuna in oil a pack of gr. 80 or gr. 80 of Philadelphia light cheese; tomatoes or salad or green beans to taste;
bread gr. 30 (a small rosette) or a packet of crackers of gr. 25; or, out of the house, a toast or a sandwich or a second course of meat or fish, possibly grilled + half a rosette (about 40 gr) or a packet of crackers of gr. 25.

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