Ten ways to eat healthy

Ten ways to eat healthy

eat-cleanI have often talked about what eat clean means, a food philosophy that is the closest I know to a healthy and balanced diet without effort, and which in America is a trend that shows no sign of fading, precisely because of the great advantages that compared to so many disposable diets the eat clean diet gives. The best diets out there today are based on the EAT Clean. First of all, eating healthy following the eat clean diet means not strictly dieting, on the contrary, never going on a diet, but losing weight by eating , boosting our metabolism with real food. Secondly, healthy eating means fighting those nutritional deficiencies that contribute to a gradual slowdown in metabolism, digestion and immune defenses, deficiencies from which our extra pounds derive . Nobody gets fat by eating too many fruits and vegetables, regardless of their calories, while it is demonstrable that many people who follow a low calorie diet do not lose weight precisely because they choose to eat the wrong foods. 
It would then be enough to change our daily diet in these ten ways to learn how to eat an eat clean diet, have a less swollen belly, better digestion, a faster metabolism, and gradually be able to lose weight without the worry of having to count calories

1) Eliminate ready-made foods from the diet and all industrial preparations:
from biscuits to frozen foods to everything that is ready-made, canned, freeze-dried, in bags and so on. Don’t buy these things, buy good quality raw materials and cook everything at home.
2) Eat much more vegetables
3) Eliminate or reduce saturated fats: we reduce cheeses, butter and red meats
4) Reduce alcohol consumption: do not exceed the glass of wine per day
5) Learn to eat almost sugar-free: eliminating sweet drinks , industrial bakery products, sauces and desserts
6) Reduce the consumption of salt, using wholemeal salt as a substitute
7) Eat wholemeal, including flour
8) Alternate vegetable and animal proteins, such as legumes and soy products, nuts and whole grains
9) Increase the consumption of fruit, especially the low sugar ones
10) Avoid refined carbohydrates , puffed cereals, white starchy foods.

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