Ten ways to beat food addiction

Ten ways to beat food addiction

Let’s face it: although a study has shown that those who eat healthier have fewer cravings for crap and suffer less from food addiction, what we need to understand is that our metabolism LOVES two things, actually three :
– salt
– sugar / the sweet taste
– the fats.

This happens especially in stressful situations, as an effect of an excess of cortisol in the blood: therefore when we are stressed (but not adrenaline-pumping: when we suffer continuous stress such as work problems, couple problems, etc.), we feel the need to eat more. foods that contain more or less all these 3 things.

And generally this happens with crap, junk food and junk food, which, even in the sweet versions (bars, snacks, etc.) contains a certain amount of salt and flavor enhancers. Clearly, the body easily becomes addicted to foods that are high in sugar, whether they are salty or fatty.

Especially for sugar: we have seen in fact that the more we eat sweet things the more we are addicted to them, but this is not because, as you may have heard, sugar is the new drug.

Sugar addiction for the body is normal: easy to digest, pure energy, clearly it is a tempting food for our body!

All this I am writing to reduce those who think they have a more serious problem than they should just because they tend to favor, in their hunger pangs, foods that are salty or sweet (and even fatty) such as packaged sweets, salted nuts, cheeses, chips. , and refined carbohydrate resources (biscuits, snacks, pizzas).

If there are no eating disorders, there is always a tendency to prefer these foods rather than others, even if we eat a healthy diet.

10 remedies for food addiction

  1. Keeping the most harmless foods at home that nevertheless respond to some of our needs: for example very bitter chocolate, a little parmesan, an organic almond cream or olives compared to biscuits, pizzas and company.
  2. Don’t skip meals
  3. Try to understand if we are really hungry or is it just wanting to …
  4. Drink a glass of water or make a cucumber and lemon juice.
  5. Go out and take 4 steps
  6. Take a nap or take a moment to relax
  7. Brush your teeth
  8. Chew a piece of gum (be careful, however, that this can increase hunger because it stimulates the activity of gastric juices: better a candy or chewing a piece of licorice, the latter if, however, you do not suffer from high blood pressure)
  9. Call a friend
  10. Eat more fruits and vegetables

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