Ten superfoods against nervous hunger

Ten superfoods against nervous hunger

If at times that of superfoods seems like a crazy supercazzola , I admit that in everyday life, the contribution of some foods has undoubtedly helped me in many ways: for example, foods like coconut (coconut milk, flour, oil ) are undoubtedly very nutritious, while chia seeds are a natural resource of omega3, promote regularity, create satiating dishes and are able to give consistency to liquids, allowing in four and four to have a pudding from a simple glass of vegetable milk.

But there is obviously more: not only are there particularly nutritious foods, but there are foods that absolutely help those suffering from nervous hunger, help those who have to diet to eat in a balanced way, and often contain antioxidants (or other metabolic substances. secondary) which help shed pounds faster. Let’s see these ten superfoods that act against nervous hunger, for example.

Almonds, salmon (preferably not smoked) and avocado are useful foods for their fat content: naturally satiating, they stave off the hunger for sweets, reduce appetite and the desire to snack too many.
Quinoa, broccoli and edamame beans , on the other hand, have particular nourishing characteristics: quinoa has no gluten, and is the most protein and light of the false cereals; broccoli contains particular fibers and antioxidants that promote the sense of satiety and push the body to use the energy reserves.
Raspberries (but also currants) and chillies stimulate the body to burn fat: the former are tasty and low carb, suitable for low carbohydrate diets.
The grapefruitreduces appetite and increases insulin sensitivity.
Finally, coconut oil is an enviable source of medium-chain saturated fatty acids, which recent studies have pointed out to be anti-inflammatory and protective of the metabolism.

In short: if these superfoods have not convinced you so far but your diet is tight, now is the time to give them a chance!

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