Tecar therapy for the knees

Tecar therapy for the knees

The knee is the joint that, according to the hand, most frequently requires therapy, especially in the case of athletes. What are the benefits of tecar therapy in this regard?

Tecar therapy for the knees

Capacitive and resistive energy transfer , abbreviated as TECA.R. is the concept behind the acronym that gives its name to the recently invented tecartherapy  against .

It is applied with a machine that generates a specific magnetic frequency capable of accelerating the regenerative processes of cells and tissues.

An electrode is used , a plate connected to the aforementioned machinery , generally placed on the area subject to therapy, in the opposite position to the hand of the therapist who manipulates the part of the body to stimulate it.

The energy flow given by the magnetic field generated between the metal plate and the hand passes through the tissues and generates endogenous and natural heat .

This is the main feature of Tecartherapy : it is not a question of applying external heat but of stimulating the endogenous heat in the patient’s body.

The result is a spontaneous vasodilation , a consequent relaxation of the muscles , a greater oxygenation of the tissues , the drainage of lymphatic fluids and finally a decrease in pain associated with symptoms, thanks to the induction of release of specific neurotransmitters.

But in addition to a decrease in pain, there is a speeding up of recovery times from trauma, injuries and inflammation, characteristics that have made Tecartherapy famous among sportsmen.


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Diagnosis and tecar therapy

The frequent use of tecar therapy by athletes has led to the study of specific therapies for one of the parts of the body most prone to problems in the world of sport: the knee. Tendon problems, ligament injuries, meniscopathies, inflammations and other minor injuries due to trauma or overtraining of the knee joints often lead sportsmen to turn to studios that practice tecar therapy.

Depending on the specific problem, there are different approaches to tecar therapy , so first of all it is essential to have a complete and thorough check-up to understand the true nature of the problem that afflicts the knees. An incomplete or inaccurate diagnosis implies an inappropriate and therefore ineffective therapy, wasting time and money.

Having professionally ascertained the nature of the problem and found the appropriate therapy , we will discover that tecar therapy has shown high success in the treatment of knee joint problems . Bioresonance acts on different types of tissue, both soft like muscle and hard like bone.

The right frequency will allow you to act on muscles or tendons or bones , depending on what the nature of the problem is. We will immediately find a reduction in pain and a speeding up of healing processes.


Tecar therapy after surgery

Tecar therapy is also effective as a post-surgical rehabilitation therapy . Tecar therapy sessions help absorb edema and latent blood masses between muscle fibers, help oxygenate the affected area and therefore quickly recover muscle strength and volume, reducing the risk of incurring infections or inflammation .

Generally these are half-hour sessions , in a series that usually varies from 3 to 7 depending on the nature of the problem. Knee Tecartherapy sessions are among the most requested and therefore among the most practiced, consequently among the safest.


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