T Touch for dogs and cats
Here is a sweet method of teaching and well-being for animal friends, dogs and cats, but not only: we know the T Touch closely and who invented it

What is the T Touch
The Tellington TTouch is a method of teaching and welfare for animals experimented and made known by Linda Tellington Jones , scholar and practitioner of the Feldenkrais method, a method based on the principle according to which the movement of the body would be an indispensable way to improve and alleviate physical problems. or emotional.
Specialist in the re-education of difficult horses or animals with behavioral disorders or physical problems, such as arthritis, Linda has developed this positive, sweet and gentle method of teaching which, through light gestures, touches and particular movements, makes the dog feel or the animal and its owner more aware , while improving the coordination and balance of the dog, cat or horse that receives it, animals on which the T Touch is usually practiced.
Here is Linda’s reference channel on You Tube .
How the TTouch works
The T Touch makes use of particular movements of the body to improve posture and psycho-physical well-being, also working on behavior.
These are caresses, smoothing, circular movements and lifting , but special “bandages” with elastic bands, massages and a lot of work on the ground with mats, games and obstacles of minimum height are also used.
There is no shortage of conducting exercises on a leash. Here is a simple exercise from the Qua la Paw dog training and education channel through the T Touch method.
Read also Holistic Massage for dogs and cats >>
When the T Touch is useful
The T Touch is a method that works and is very suitable for helping animals ; it is therefore used by professional trainers and dog trainers in structures such as kennels or for animals that have suffered severe trauma or stress, such as fear of storms or motion sickness, helping them to overcome them.
Very interesting in this regard is a T Touch video in which you can see the work done on the ears , sensitive points full of nerve endings , to relieve the discomfort that the dog can feel when there are fireworks or sounds that disturb him. .
T Touch also for cats
Here is a video that demonstrates how the TTouch ® method can also be useful for cats . Here is a video demonstration that illustrates how much these animals also appreciate, for example, the massage done on the ears and the T Touch on the body.
The hair becomes, according to Linda, an extension of their nervous system .
The T Touch has been talked about for over forty years and there is a lot about this method on the web world ; however, as the official Italian site T Touch TTeam.it reiterates , not everyone is able to teach this method properly.
Only Practitioners can hold courses on the Tellington TTouch® Method of one, two or three days depending on their grade: P1, P2, P3.
Only Practitioners or Apprentice Practitioners can have Tellington sessions . The only way to become a Practitioner is to follow the 3-year training in Italy or abroad . No other course gives the title of Practitioner.
You can visit the “ Practitioner List ” page to find a Tellington TTouch ® expert .
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