Sweets for the diet

Sweets for the diet


Choux-PastryIs it possible to eat sweets and stay fit, or even eat sweets and lose weight? Absolutely yes, and especially in my case, break down the classic open door. I am a lover of sweets, I could have only one single issue diet in my life without suffering from hunger: the chocolate diet. Too bad that such a diet does not exist, and that for example the true Mediterranean diet recommends eating fruit instead of dessert , and eating sweets no more than once a week. Precisely for this reason the breakfast of the Mediterranean diet is defined as hot and sweet: we eat bread with butter and jam, cereals or biscuits in the morning, together with a hot coffee, cappuccino or tea. And our sweet break of the day should end here. Well, no. I rebel. I want to nourish well the sweet part that is in me without gaining centimeters, every day. That’s how.
The right sugars:
 use honey, molasses, coconut sugar (it’s from a palm) and maple syrup instead of normal sugar to make your treats healthier.

Dark chocolate: the more bitter, the better. The minimum is 70 percent cocoa, but I’m also fine with 99 percent cocoa. While not sweet at all, it is very satisfying. Anyway: you can eat up to three cubes (about 20 grams) as a snack or a cube at the end of a meal without any remorse.
Ice cream (with creams):a small cup of cream or chocolate ice cream is ideal for keeping stress hormones at bay (among those responsible for overweight), especially in the evening. Many nutrition experts and doctors say so, including endocrinologist Ray Peat. We can avoid eating carbohydrates, or eat less of them, and have a simple and protein dinner (protein dish plus vegetables) and then reserve a small cup or a cone after the meal. We can also eat it twice a week, especially if it is artisanal. We will sleep even better at night.
Panna cotta:one of the healthiest desserts there is is panna cotta. Excellent supply of saturated fats, the use of gelatin or egg whites that make it protein, and the sugar that we can reduce in the preparation. Served with a spoonful of molasses or maple syrup, but also by blending red fruits with a spoonful of honey, it is a perfect dessert

Custard or Catalan: a cup of custard, cream pudding or a Catalan cream; here is a very nutritious dessert (eggs, whole milk, sugar, starch) and perfectly balanced that we can make healthier by putting honey or coconut sugar instead of white sugar. Here too: maybe we eat less pasta or bread if we want to finish in style or eat it as a snack.
Cheese or ricotta with honey: a perfect breakfast? We eat goat cheese or mascarpone or ricotta (goat or sheep are the best) with a spoonful of honey, some chopped pistachio or almond and a fruit. We will hardly have a craving for sweets until lunch. We can replace the cheese with Greek yogurt, the important thing is that it is whole (more nutrients, better metabolism).
The cocoa and black bean cake: a delicious and protein cake ( my recipe here ), with black beans instead of flour (in total or partial replacement), eggs, bitter cocoa. It is delicious and highly nutritious.
Pancakes and waffles:great breakfast for our metabolism. Pancakes and waffles are a balanced and quick dessert, which we can season with maple syrup for a sweet but healthy breakfast. Instead of normal flour, we can use wholemeal flour or fiberpasta flour.
Coconut biscuits: if we use honey or coconut sugar to make them, it is a mixture of coconut flour, egg whites and sugar. Excellent for breakfast, with the healthy fats of coconut and gluten-free.
The cream puff : buy yourself a puff every now and then. They are baked in the oven and filled with custard. The cream puff dough does not include sugar but only flour (a little), eggs and butter. It’s a much healthier cheat than a cereal bar and the calories are similar for a small puff. But do you want to put satisfaction?

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