Superfood protein shake breakfast

Superfood protein shake breakfast

breakfast with superfood protein shake

Superfood protein shake breakfast
Author:  D.
Type of recipe:  Breakfast
Preparation time:  5 minutes
Cooking time: 
Total time:  5 minutes
For:  2
A frothy smoothie that contains 3 superfoods to start the day on the right foot: raspberries, coconut and oats are in fact the main ingredients of this 320 calorie protein shake. Ideal as a breakfast meal, it will leave you full and satisfied for a long time and will drive away the desire for sweets.
  • 50 gr of oat flakes
  • 1 banana
  • 250 gr. frozen raspberries
  • 175 gr. Greek yogurt
  • 125 gr hot water
  • 50 gr. coconut milk
  • vanilla flavoring (or alternatively vanilla yogurt)
  1. Put all the ingredients in the blender and serve immediately.
  2. The dose is for two people.
  3. Do you like the idea? Also try the balanced version of coconut and cocoa as a substitute for lunch: For two people.
  4. Blend 1 banana with a spoonful of peanut butter + a spoonful of cocoa, 175 gr. Greek yogurt, 200 gr coconut water and 50 gr. of oats.

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