Sugar-free sweets, a guide

Sugar-free sweets, a guide

If this is your first time on this blog, do not be scared, I am your friend and I do not want to deprive you of the sweets, I am the first to eat them.
Our enemy, dear ones, are calories.
And sugar-free and low-fat desserts, with a controlled glycemic index, are our way to stay in shape without giving up the sweet taste.

Sugar can be replaced by natural and non-natural sweeteners, which do less damage from both a calorie and a glycemic point of view. Aside from stevia, I recommend products sweetened with fructose and maltitol. Or other polyols, such as erythritol, which all have a low glycemic index of 35 or less, for cooking or eating sugar-free desserts.

Here I will recommend some products that you can easily buy online and in specialized stores, but also dietary blogs full of sweet recipes and written by people skilled in the kitchen but above all able to combine proper nutrition with taste.
In short, people from whom there is a lot to learn .


(footnote: no, I have not received free products from companies, I mention them because they deserve it)

  1. Sugar free, low glycemic index nutritional line: SZ products have a line of low glycemic index snacks and biscuits. Snacks that don’t hurt, filled biscuits and even chocolate. They are very good.
  2. Fiberpasta : In addition to low-glycemic index flour and pasta, there are also chocolate or almond cookies.
  3. Sanome : offers, in addition to low-glycemic index flour, pasta and jam, biscuits, shortbreads and low-calorie and hypoglycemic sandwiches.
  4. Rigoni : offers an apple sweetener, spreads and jams with fruit sugars.
  5. So good from Galbusera : it has a line of sugar-free sweets and biscuits, of which I recommend the wholemeal ones.
  6. Tibiona : is an e-commerce site for various brands that offer organic products, creams and jams but above all alternative sugars to sucrose.


    The blogger of is very good and the nutritionists of the QB blog are very good , but I also recommend the sites Torteperdiabetici , Nosugarplease and Ricette senza .

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