Stuff to lose weight: the case of aromatherapy

Stuff to lose weight: the case of aromatherapy

grapefruit aromaCan Aromatherapy Make You Lose Weight? The answer is neither yes nor no, but: mah! Personally I am tired of all these marginal arguments on weight loss, those for which, apart from obviously dieting and exercising, anything seems to be an “adjuvant” : weight loss pills are an adjunct, natural supplements are an adjuvant, the subercibo is an adjuvant, the acidulated water is an adjuvant, breathing with the diaphragm is an adjuvant, eating at certain times is an adjuvant … I can go on for hours. I have been writing about diet and nutrition for years, I am full of adjuvants that I can list for you. What’s the point? Saying that something helps you lose weight is different from saying that something helps you lose weight, but if you explain it like this, people are not passionate about the adjuvant soap opera and above all do not buy anything. So here’s to see everywhere that adjuvants are secrets to lose weight, tricks to lose weight, etc. They are not. They are useless. If you believe in it and you are convinced of it, they can serve as when to believe in miracles.
Who knows why, when we say that something works as long as we follow diet and exercise, people skip the latter, very important information. Diet and exercise. These are the things that make you lose weight. But they are terribly boring. So let’s remove the “as long as” and focus on the adjuvant. Maybe it even works without a diet! Of course. And I’m tall, blonde and blue-eyed like in the profile picture. Come on. And so, today I read yet another article in which we talk about aromatherapy as an adjunct to the diet : the journalist writes that we know that diet and exercise make you lose weight, but apart from that, two studies suggest aromatherapy. How, apart from that? That’s all. That’s ninety-nine percent of the work! But a one percent can be a help given by aromatherapy, why not: grapefruit essence and olive oil(the smell of olive oil), would push you to eat less. In short, if you pass a rotisserie, it immediately smells a grapefruit and you should go hungry.

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