Strange anxiety and food attacks, what to do?
Hi, I am a 41-year-old mother, I turn to you for help in a problem that is becoming quite old for me. I have been experiencing sudden food-related anxiety attacks for some time now. I express myself better, when I think about what to cook for lunch and dinner I panic, I feel like I’m suffocating until I can find what I’m going to cook. It is a disorder that makes me sick, also because it affects my private life. I am always nervous, I treat my children and my husband badly, but most of all I feel bad. I can only calm down by taking relaxing drops and when I can identify what to prepare to eat. At first I didn’t realize it, but now it’s becoming a real problem that is ruining my life. Please give me some advice. Thank you
Health Answers
Good evening dear, what I would like to advise you is to investigate the correct functioning of the thyroid activity and of the hormonal picture in general. At the same time I would also ask myself with the help of a professional if necessary, if there is an inner discomfort that pushes her towards this unbalanced and not to be underestimated behavior. best regards Cinzia Zedda naturopath – reflexology, iridology – meditation – mindfulness
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