Stop the diet if you have these 6 problems
I know that when we want to lose weight we are able to not look anyone in the face and stop at nothing: however, there are many ways to lose weight and stay fit , and one of the most underrated is a natural diet combined with healthy activity. physics. Diet is not the only way to lose weight , but it is often the worst: calorie or food restrictions (e.g. no carbohydrates) cause us to lose weight initially, lowering our metabolism, so that either we are on a perennial diet to maintain the weight achieved or we see the pounds return when we start eating again.
And if we have one of these 6 problems , we have to forget the diet, according to Dr. Alfred Dawes, surgeon specializing in the treatment of obesity.
1) Your thyroid function is compromised:  I know many people who manage to do this with their diet, when they eliminate carbohydrates, which are essential for the production of thyroid hormones, but in in that case the situation is resolved by returning to a normal diet. If, on the other hand, you unexplainably gain weight, are out of energy and in a bad mood, you may have other thyroid problems. The only way out is not to go on a diet, but to treat your thyroid. And the diet makes the situation worse. So be careful.
2) You have polycystic ovary syndrome:this syndrome, which many women suffer from, gets worse with overweight, and on the other hand causes it as well, due to hormonal imbalance. If you have these symptoms: acne and blackheaded skin, frequent abdominal pain, menstrual irregularities, excess hair, you may be suffering from polycystic ovary. At that point a cure can reduce the side effects, including being overweight, while the diet worsens the situation. 3) Are you obsessed with food: do you cut portions more and more, do you feel the victim of bouts of uncontrolled hunger, cry or feel nauseous after eating, try to purge yourself, skip meals or go on extreme diets to compensate? The diet will make behavior that comes dangerously close to an eating disorder even worse. And of course that’s not the solution.
5) Do diets all the time:you are not losing weight, what if the problem is that you have too many diets, one after the other? If you’ve gotten to do more than two different diets in a year, this is the problem with not losing weight. The body resists if forced to too many diets, lowering the metabolism and accumulating fat between diets. Isn’t it time to leave the diet and think about a healthy, balanced and nutritious diet?
6) You are always hungry:Being hungry all the time or feeling obsessed with food is one of the symptoms of low metabolism, did you know? As in point 3, if you have the impression that if you ate freely you would never stop, the problem is that you have been holding the brake for too long. This results in stress for the body, which reacts to your attempts to lose weight making you much hungrier. Again, diet is not the solution!
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