Stomach pain after eating: causes and what to do
Stomach pain has no qualms, it takes us after eating for different reasons, more or less serious. We must run for cover by looking for the reasons and trying effective natural remedies

So it happens, whether you eat too fast, or too heavy, or unhealthy foods. Or you are not well.
And then the stomach ache starts , which can be accompanied by nausea or vomiting, or diarrhea .
The situation is not the happiest, but it could be resolved well and quickly.
First of all trying to trace the causes of stomach pain after eating and consequently knowing what to do about your upset stomach. Here are some tips.
Stomach pain after eating: causes
Raise your hand if you have never had a stomach ache. Nobody, right? Sooner or later everyone gets stomach ache after eating.
Often it appears for no apparent reason, but, dig dig, there is always a reason.
These are the main causes of stomach pain after eating , let’s see if you find yourself there too:
- Do you eat too fast? The first digestion occurs with proper chewing, which also gives the stomach time to start digesting the food as it reaches it. Eating too quickly blocks these processes, making digestion very difficult
- Did you catch cold (or too hot) immediately after eating? Digestion must take place at a constant external temperature. Each change in temperature forces the body to recall blood to other organs other than the digestive ones, thus interrupting the digestive processes in progress
- Are you upset? Stress and anxiety cause our body to implement the “fight or flight” system, drawing blood and energy to the muscles and removing it from the digestive system. Again, digestion is blocked
- Have you eaten foods that cause heartburn? Gastritis, or pain following the increase in stomach acidity, is in fact caused by the ingestion of substances including food (alcohol and coffee) and particular drugs; the pain is widespread, like severe burning, and often associated with vomiting
- Are you a victim of food poisoning ? Poisoning can occur because poorly cooked food contains pathogenic bacteria, or has been treated with chemicals
- Do you have an inflamed appendix? Appendicitis is manifested by acute pain in the lower right with nausea and vomiting.
- How’s your pancreas? Pancreatitis manifests as pain in the upper abdomen 6-12 hours after a heavy meal, and may be followed by nausea, fever, or a rapid heart rate
- Are you constipated? In case of persistent constipation or intestinal blockage, stomach cramps may occur even after a moderate meal, followed by foul-smelling vomiting.
- Do you have diverticula ? The presence of inflamed diverticula ( diverticulitis ) can create cramping pain in the lower left abdomen.
- How’s your gallbladder? The presence of gallstones causes intense and intermittent pain, similar to a “bite”, felt around the upper region of the abdomen (center or right), often accompanied by nausea and vomiting
- Do you have gastroenteritis? In the case of gastroenteritis, usually of viral origin, a stomach ache appears associated with widespread abdominal pain, vomiting, fever, general malaise and diarrhea; a complete recovery usually occurs within a few days
- None of the above? Stomach pain can, for example, be caused or favored by anything that increases stomach acid: meals that are too abundant or difficult to digest, smoking, taking certain drugs (anti-inflammatory NSAIDs, aspirin or ibuprofen), excess alcohol, drinks gassed
Stomach pain: what to eat?
Stomach pain after eating: what to do
We have seen that stomach pain is often treated by preventing it. However, if the stomach ache has already begun, it’s time to run for cover. What to do for stomach pain after eating? It depends on what is causing the stomach pain.
Even if you don’t know why, but you have a stomach ache, you could follow some of these tips … “to see the effect it has”, as Enzo Jannacci would say:
- Consume an infusion made with a tablespoon of fennel seeds boiled in water
- Go for a walk after having eaten your meal (beware of sudden changes in temperature!)
- Drink plenty of non-alcoholic liquids (water is always good), to dilute the acidity
- Rice is an easy food to digest and can increase the absorption of liquids. When we feel unwell, we can eat some in white.
- Ginger relieves nausea and vomiting. We use ginger root , to be left to infuse for a few minutes in hot water.
- It may be useful to prepare a carrot juice , to be diluted with water; add ginger and a little turmeric
- Licorice promotes digestion: we can make an infusion or consume the roots directly
- Green anise , stimulant of peristalsis: its seeds can be used to make an infusion
- In case of food poisoning or the presence of Helicobacter Pylorii , an antibiotic will be necessary, but only the doctor can diagnose and prescribe the correct therapy.
- You can take natural supplements based on digestive enzymes, to improve digestion, or – on the advice of the doctor – drugs capable of promoting stomach emptying (prokinetics).
When is it necessary to see the doctor?
If the pain persists or returns (there may be underlying conditions);Â if symptoms seem independent of eating habits;Â if the current treatment does not improve stomach pain and other symptoms;Â if traces of blood appear in the regurgitated material or if the stools are black and sticky, tarry;Â if the symptoms are associated with wheezing (shortness of breath), fever, weakness or other general malaise.
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