Starguo diet: the Chinese baby food

Starguo diet: the Chinese baby food

Yesterday I learned about this umpteenth line of replacement meals, the Starguo , from a very beautiful girl who was willing to lose weight at all costs, so much so that she used replacement meals without having a faint idea of ​​what they really contained and the reason for which worked for weight loss. I did a long search on the internet to discover that the story that bounces from one side to the other in Italian sites has only one web resource, this site, that is the site that produces the product in China.

According to the story behind the Starguo Diet there would be a pioneer of the wellness and nutrition industry , this doctor Guo Minyuan , of whom, however, strangely, nothing is known, even if in the Italian sites that sell these products she is defined as a dietician of fame. The source? This article refers to the issue of a magazine, China . Apart from this, there is no information on the network about the doctor other than the article (from which other Italian sites have taken the source) and the site of the manufacturer of the Starguo , (which in turn has two addresses on the network). It perplexes me that an internationally renowned dietician does not exist on the net, that there is not even a publication of it since it boasts years and years and years of research and discovery, but let’s move on.

According to some users, the Starguo Diet is prescribed by doctors, experts in acupuncture and alternative therapies: in fact, even the company that distributes these products in Italy sells acupuncture products . But back to the producers: they also produce slimming biscuits (the Starguo ones, also called Guo’s Biscuits and Slimming Biscuits), slimming capsules and a slimming tea. These products jump on the net with different names, which makes it difficult to understand whether or not they are healthy products as we read in Italian. Products very similar to these, for example, have been investigated by the FDA, which instead of finding natural herbs of ancient Chinese medicine, found traces of sibutramine.
But let’s get to the Starguo Diet: does it work for weight loss?

Yes, of course, because it forces those who use it to a diet of 800/1000 calories just a day, a basically protein diet, which roughly consists of eating a small sandwich with cold cuts for breakfast (two slices of bread with ham or bresaola or cottage cheese or cottage cheese), a Starguo soup plus salad for lunch and dinner. The soup does not exceed one hundred calories, being the product of 30 g and having a nutritional value of approximately 345 calories per 100 g of preparation. In the afternoon you can eat some fruit.
A starvation diet that is also quite prohibitively expensive. 
The whole history of traditional Chinese medicine, purification, metabolic balance, etc., convinces the consumer that the Starguo product is unique, when in reality it is roughly a mix of legume flours and thickeners, to which shiitake mushrooms, powder are added. of kelp seaweed (at least according to the declared ingredients), flavors that can be coconut or shallot. The rest of the “magic” ingredients are anything but weight loss beneficial, such as black sesame or lotus flower seeds.
On page two I tell you how to make yourself an identical pimp by spending much less than Starguo products,and how to “get out” of the Starguo diet without buying their products further. Clearly, mine is advice, and indeed my biggest advice, other than not to buy this stuff, is to talk to your doctor. Not the acupuncturist. The health insurance doctor. Then there is one last piece of advice: don’t trust internet sites that just post the exact same information, but that’s okay.

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