Starbene’s one-day fat burning diet
In the magazine Starbene , in issue 8, we find a one-day fat-burning diet that must be repeated from time to time to keep fit and avoid the accumulation of fat: it is conceived by Dr.  Cinzia Longobucco , a nutrition biologist from Bari, who explains in the his article which foods to eat to stimulate metabolism through thermogenesis.
This one-day fat-burning diet is ideal as a compensation diet, that is, in all those situations where we have eaten too much, been out and overdone or similar, or as a Monday diet if we went to lunch with the mother-in-law on Sunday (not that our mother cooks lighter, be put on record).
As you can see from the diagram, the seasonings are minimal, because the diet is low-calorie.
By Dr. Cinzia Longobucco
Breakfast: green tea + a slice of toasted wholemeal bread
Snack: papaya, kiwi and grapefruit smoothie (if you don’t have papaya, replace it with a citrus fruit of your choice: it is in fact a fruit rich in vitamin C. Fruits are also good rossi)
Lunch: 50 gr of wholemeal pasta with fresh tomato sauce and chilli + a portion of broccoli sautéed
in garlic.
Snack: hot water with organic lemon zest
Dinner: free portion of grilled chicken breast + green salad with fresh onion rings (like Tropea).
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