Electronic Arts together with the unmistakable Sony have confirmed that Star Wars Battlefront will land on PlayStation VR in the future. These are the statements from Andrew House, president and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment:
“This will be a Star Wars Battlefront gameplay experience like no other and, players will be able to teleport to a … galaxy far, far away.”
The version of Star Wars Battlefront Virtual Relity, developed by the company DICE (Digital Illusions Creative Entertainment), will most likely be exclusive to PlayStation VR.  While you don’t have a lot of footage from the game, the hugely popular Sony company has promised to release more details on Star Wars Battlefront for PlayStation VR in the coming months. The PlayStation VR will be available in October 2016 in Europe for the modest sum of 399 euros and will be compatible with DualShock 4 and PlayStation Move; all supported by the support of the PS Camera.
We remind all our Game Legends readers that Star Wars Battlefront was already released on November 17, 2015 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. So what do you think about this interesting initiative? Buying the virtual reality headset? Let us know your opinion by commenting, if you want, the news.
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