Speed ​​up your metabolism with the Age-Defying Diet

Speed ​​up your metabolism with the Age-Defying Diet

How to speed up the metabolism? According to Dr. Caroline Apovian, renowned dietician, metabolism and weight loss expert and director of the Nutrition and Weight Management Center at Boston University, there is a way to speed up metabolism in a few weeks, and it starts with some principles with which to revolutionize your diet. I chose to talk about it because some of these principles are in line with other studies carried out by leading doctors, and put hormonal health at the fore as an essential condition for losing weight .

In fact, as we age, our metabolism drops both because we tend to lose lean mass and because our hormonal profile worsens: because of what? A little for biological reasons, both in men and women; but also due to a series of dietary errors that compromise our health over time, and a series of wrong behaviors that result in an imbalance that creates overweight. Apovian talked about her theories for speeding up metabolism in two books: the book the Age-Defying diet in particular explains how to “fix” hormones through diet, enhancing the introduction of some foods and reducing others. In another book, The Overnight Diet, she as a dietician explains how to use sleep and its benefits for weight loss.

Let’s see what Apovian recommends to speed up metabolism. To tell you about it, I also quote an article that appeared in Italian on the subject in the Women’s Magazine. 
According to the doctor, 21 days would be enough to burn more and lose weight. She proposes three phases of the diet (one based on smoothies and soups, one with healthier foods and one maintenance) but there are general principles to help the metabolism naturally. Let’s see them together

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