Sorrentino’s post-binge diet

Sorrentino’s post-binge diet

Appeared on Afternoon 5, Dr. Nicola Sorrentino ‘s post-binge diet is a quick regimen for those who want to immediately lose the extra post-Christmas pounds, and can therefore be followed starting from December 27 and for one day only.
Here is the pattern. I remind you that it is a restrictive diet that lasts only one day, so it is very low-calorie. You can drink plenty of sugar-free water and herbal tea throughout the day.

Breakfast: two glasses of bicarbonate-sulphate-calcium water (such as Boario water or “spa” waters with the name “Terme di”) should be drunk on an empty stomach + tea or coffee with a low-fat yogurt and cereals (Dr. Sorrentino did not specify the quantities so stay on 2-3 tablespoons)
Snacks during the day: 10 almonds or 1 low-fat yogurt or a fruit. We can make 3 snacks among those selected.
Lunch: a plate of vegetable soup (allowed a little oil) without legumes or potatoes or a plate of grilled or sautéed vegetables of your choice.
Dinner:a plate of shirataki or konjac pasta with sautéed vegetables (a little oil is allowed here too), otherwise a small portion of wholemeal pasta (50 g) with lots of vegetables.


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