Social Diet RESTART, a correction

Social Diet RESTART, a correction

Hello everyone, I want to make a correction to the article I posted on Monday August 29th on the RESTART Social Diet program , the new two-week program that will start on September 19th and which I have talked about here.
Everything I wrote in the article (how to sign up, which is free, which is open to everyone, even to those who have already signed up) is true: I signed up after having already signed up (without following them, of course, but as an experiment, to see if enrollment was ok) to two past Social Diet programs . Simply, the registration procedures have changed, passing from the Dieta Social site and not from the group.

In fact, it is not on this that I have to rectify, but on the role of Rosanna Lambertucci, who, as you know, is the creator of the Dieta Social project. 
Lambertucci allegedly made it known on the evening of August 28 that she had been excluded from the Social Diet program and had not been part of it since June. In fact, she reads on her facebook: “ My dear friends and friends! I DO NOT MAKE PART OF A SOCIAL DIET ANY MORE! I am forced, overcoming my proverbial confidentiality and elegance in relations with others, to specify about the advertising that appeared on FB relating to the new memberships of the Social Diet group, which I from end of last June, I am no longer part of the project“. I had written the article a few hours before and I could not know it, also because, as many have noticed, if on the one hand the image of Lambertucci no longer appears on the Dieta Social site, it is also true that on the page of Più Sani e più Belli advertises Dieta Social . This thing has left many perplexed, but the point is that it is the same publisher, so Rosanna Lambertucci has nothing to do with it.

But if Lambertucci is not there, who is in her place on Dieta Social? Well, the presence of Dr. Pier Luigi Rossi is confirmed , and the new director of Dieta Social, Stefania of Naples, has presented herself in recent days.

Last thing: I invite you not to write to me and not to address me as if I were part of Dieta Social, because clearly this is not the case . On this blog we simply give news about diets and nutrition, and therefore I wrote about Diet Social from its beginnings. Also because the routes via facebook are free: it is true that then there are the subscriptions, but just don’t subscribe to the subscriptions! It is not difficult.
Let’s say that their facebook initiative is promotional for subscriptions, but this has always been there, even in January it was like that.
Since the Social Diet is based on the molecular method of Dr. Pier Luigi Rossi , you just need to continue the regime of the molecular method to continue losing weight. Click here for info.


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