Six things to know if you want the diet to work

Six things to know if you want the diet to work

lunch_dietAccording to Coldiretti , half of Italians are on a diet in spring and of these twenty percent had already been on a diet since January: when the summer arrives, the anxiety of the swimsuit fitting, the desire to dress lighter and the insecurity that arises. try to see your body a little more exposed (white, flaccid?) play in favor of a weight loss diet that is as fast, effective and painless as possible . Basically a punitive expedition.
Even D.’s work increases: the newspapers suddenly commission me new articles, the phone rings all the time and my facebook is filled with friends who suddenly remember my job and want to invite me out to “talk a little about diets “. Yes, spring has arrived.

And if you are one of the half of Italians on a diet or if you are thinking about it, I find these six tips very useful before going on a diet or even when we have started and feel disheartened after the first week . These are six absolutely true things women in particular need to keep in mind when trying to go on a diet.
1) Our weight loss curve is not linear: 
when you go on a diet, the results are not the same for everyone (first point) and are not achieved by everyone at the same time (second point). I’ve seen people give up on a decent weight loss regimen because it “didn’t work” after just 3-4 days of dieting or a week. Heck, it takes your metabolism at least two weeks to adjust to a weight loss regimen, especially if it is balanced. So it’s okay to lose weight quickly, but it’s not the first day of sales. Furthermore, after a few weeks the weight loss can stop suddenly, we can even gain a few pounds, and then regain twice the weight. All of this is absolutely normal. The weight loss curve, that is, everything that schematically passes from A (as we are before the diet) to B (end of the diet) can be twisted, look like Donald Duck’s face drawn by a two-year-old boy. You have to understand this, it is important. Otherwise you risk ruining not a diet, not this diet, but any diet.
2) Sometimes you will feel awful: for the same reason as before, you will experience bad days during the diet. Poor digestion, a little bloating, a little water retention like in everyday life. This is also normal. Go ahead with the good intentions.
3) You must have patience with your body, stop criticizing yourself, be kind to yourself:this thing is fundamental. It is not good to find three thousand justifications for the diet, but if you fail once it is normal, if you train less one day nothing happens. Diet stress affects any diet, and is the number one enemy of any weight loss regimen. Avoid this by trying to be a little softer and more forgiving. This attitude works especially if we are afraid of nervous hunger, if we often eat out of stress or frustration, if we fail diets because we are too impatient. Hating oneself has never gotten anywhere.
4) Friends, boyfriend, parents will tell you: what do you care? You look good like this. Help.It happens very often: friends, boyfriends and relatives try in their own way to understand why we are on a diet and often tend to sabotage us. There are many reasons behind these attitudes: we go out for dinner or lunch and make choices different from theirs, which put them in difficulty; they tend to underestimate our weight loss anxieties (because they are not theirs); they are out of shape themselves. So they’ll tell you that you don’t need a diet, that a pastry doesn’t do anything, that a cocktail doesn’t do anything, that a dinner out doesn’t do anything, that if you skip the gym nothing happens. Beware of these little traps.
5) Consider your relationship with food over the long term:if it’s not your first diet, if your relationship with food is troubled, maybe you should avoid yet another diet and think about a better relationship with food. Eat better and not less. Diversify activities or join the gym. Avoid, like the plague, light foods, fast diets, costume fitting anxieties.
6) Get more sleep: diet is a serious stress for our body, which should not be underestimated. So let’s make life less stressful in all other respects, starting with sleep. At least eight hours of restful sleep is the best way to help your metabolism.

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