Six Pack Abs? Here’s how to get them in 4 steps

Six Pack Abs? Here’s how to get them in 4 steps

How to have a flat stomach with sculpted abs in evidence? This is explained by Carl Parnell , personal trainer and nutritional consultant, who claims to have succeeded in his intent by studying a lot and trying every self-taught strategy, because he could not afford a nutritionist or a private personal trainer, but only a gym membership. And after so many experiments and cyclic diets, Carl found that to have sculpted abs you only need 4 things. All, as we shall see, feasible. 

1) Identify our total daily calorie requirement or TDEE as correctly as possible: Abs is done in the kitchen, and Carl says many people eat more than they think. So the first thing to do is figure out exactly how much to eat, using a calculator (or even more calculators and averaging the results). To understand whether or not we are adhering to that daily intake, it is necessary or highly recommended to keep a daily diary of what you eat, for example with an app such as Fatsecret or Myfitnesspal. Now, a little note: taking into account what you eat is a pain, but if we want it to make sense we have to do it right: a mixed green salad with a scant spoon (10 gr, basically a spoon not full to the edges) it is different from a Greek salad with feta cheese and two tablespoons of oil (24 g). You need to weigh the food on the scale and be very precise about the seasonings.

2) Workout the abs: Carl trains the abs three times a week, but how many times do you do them to have sculpted abs? Small aside: there really isn’t a perfect or standard number of times. The abdominals come out, that is, they are seen, when we have little swelling and little body fat, so we have to understand how many times to train them also based on our subjective response. If one, two or three times a week. Much depends on the rest of the training. For example, multi-joint exercises often involve the abdomen so if we do squats and deadlifts we would not need to train the abdominals three or four times a week. As for specific exercises, it can also be a good idea to vary between isometry exercises (plank and variants) and crunches (and variants).

3) Pay attention to a balanced diet: Very often we tend to eat too much fat or too many carbohydrates. Calories matter, but the correct distribution of macronutrients also counts. In particular, proteins must never be lacking. In order not to be mistaken, Carl eats a protein food at every meal and snack. For example, a Greek yogurt for breakfast, meat or fish for lunch and dinner, a handful of nuts or a protein shake for a snack. Parallel to this, the daily diet must be made up of foods that are as little processed as possible and as healthy as possible: vegetables and fruit, brown rice or wholemeal bread, lean proteins, a drizzle of oil, spices and aromatic herbs to vary.

4) Indulge in a food we love every now and then: indulge in a whim (a small daily one) or a cheat day allows us to be more motivated to a healthy and healthy diet for the rest of the time. In addition, it reduces stress, a real enemy of the belly.

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