Six natural remedies for weight loss
Are there any foods, spices or infusion herbs that can help us lose weight? Absolutely yes, but for them to work you need to make them become habits. For example, drinking warm or hot water and lemon in the morning is a home remedy that helps metabolism, promotes early morning diuresis and intestinal regularity. The same drink, always at breakfast, a probiotic , for example a glass of kefir milk, yogurt or an actimel-like probiotic (perhaps the white one). But between spices and vegetables that can help us, there is really only the embarrassment of choice. Let’s see them together:
– green tea or oolong tea: let’s drink it during the day, until the early afternoon. It is no coincidence that these types of tea with antioxidant and diuretic properties are drunk massively by Angelina Jolie.
– flax and chia seeds: flax seeds contain omega 3, but both flax and chia seeds have special viscous fibers that make them ideal for intestinal regularity. For example, we can add them to soups after having lightly toasted them or make puddings with vegetable milk and these seeds (or put them in bread or homemade biscuits).
– ginger:use ginger powder more frequently, for example for meatballs, meat or fish dishes, legume soups, curries. If you find it on the market, put slices of fresh ginger in the drinking water, together with large slices of lemon, or in tea. Ginger improves metabolism as well as being a natural anti-inflammatory. – black pepper: I use it a lot. On the one hand, black pepper is rich in potassium, and therefore helps fight water retention and hypertension. It also contains piperine which “discourages” the formation of fat deposits. – turmeric: turmeric is an essential spice for weight loss, and this too is never lacking in my kitchen. It is very useful to promote the well-being of the intestinal flora and to avoid weight stalling.
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