A seemingly normal day for Nate Felix, who was driving his Jeep in the Nevada desert on December 7th. Unfortunately the man was the victim of a sudden accident. Felix, while trying to get out of the vehicle, broke 2 vertebrae, thus remaining 80% paralyzed. The man was in really critical physical conditions, but in addition to these were also added the meteorological ones, since in the desert at night temperatures reach very low peaks. To protect himself from the cold  Felix found a modicum of heat in his dog’s body, but despite him screaming for help, no one could hear him … except Siri.
The man did not know where his smartphone was, but thanks to voice commands he managed to activate Siri the Apple voice assistant ,  thus finally getting in touch with 911 . Rescue intervened quickly and managed to save the man from a probable death by frostbite.
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