Side effects of Bach flowers in a teenager?
Hi, my name is Elisa, my 14-year-old daughter took Bach flowers for a few months due to difficulties in studying … After taking it, my daughter is afraid and sick enough to faint when it comes to the human body in science, if we speak of liver, eyes, blood, etc. she can’t get a vaccine … I wanted to know if it could be linked to taking Bach flowers, a possible side effect. Thank you
Health Answers

Good morning Elisa, can you tell me what are the names of the Bach flowers and the dosages you use for your daughter? Sincerely
Dear Madam, giving an answer is not easy, in addition to knowing which flowers are, it would be advisable to know what led to recommending those flowers: beyond the fact that an expert professional knows the meanings of each flower, it is necessary to have information on specific case, you can’t go off the cuff. It is not, therefore, a criticism of the person who made the prescription, this information is used to frame the problem.For the same reason, we also need to know how long they started taking the second blend, and how long they took the first. I think the colleague who answered you first agrees with me. In my professional experience, flowers can give a so-called healing crisis, characterized or by the accentuation of the symptoms for which it was thought to take them, or because they have revealed the deepest fears that lie behind the symptoms that your daughter has manifested. Bach flowers work in such a way as to energetically reset the person who vibrates to a wrong frequency; it is a somewhat coarse explanation, but it serves to make me understand: it is the same thing that is done, for example, to an out of tune guitar: if it is out of tune it sounds bad, and therefore, to have harmony it is necessary to retune it on the right note. This retuning works a little by working in layers, removing the problems layer by layer, starting with the symptoms and superficial problems and then going deep down to the origin, as if it were, in fact, peeling an onion. the mechanism manifests itself in a different way, what happens when you do the spring cleaning happens: he puts everything in the middle to clean up flat wardrobes and furniture in his house, makes a little mess, but in this way he can also see what is to be kept and what is to be discarded. Probably the second thing happened to his daughter. Another system is to use flowers Obviously the explanatory discourse is not complete, but this is not the right place. If it were a healing crisis there is a way to modulate it, without abandoning the Bach flowers, to which your daughter seems to respond well, perhaps by changing doses and methods of administration, but it would be better to contact an expert person, who can follow the thing a little closer and help manage it The second thing probably happened to your daughter. Another system is to use flowers Obviously the explanatory discourse is not complete, but this is not the right place. If it were a healing crisis there is a way to modulate it, without abandoning the Bach flowers, to which your daughter seems to respond well, perhaps by changing doses and methods of administration, but it would be better to contact an expert person, who can follow the thing a little closer and help manage it The second thing probably happened to your daughter. Another system is to use flowers Obviously the explanatory discourse is not complete, but this is not the right place. If it were a healing crisis there is a way to modulate it, without abandoning the Bach flowers, to which your daughter seems to respond well, perhaps by changing doses and methods of administration, but it would be better to contact an expert person, who can follow the thing a little closer and help manage it

Good morning Elisa. According to what Dr. Bach taught directly, the Remedies have no side effects. What is certain, however, is that their use may have unlocked previously hidden (but already present) emotions in her daughter, which are now manifesting themselves. Assuming that the remedies recommended for your daughter are the right ones, it is important to remember that Bach flowers work like “onion skin”: some emotions may have been balanced with the flowers that your daughter has taken, while allowing others to emerge deeper and more profound. hidden. In this case, continuing the treatment with patience and trust and changing the Remedies, if necessary, everything is sorted out. I hope I have helped her.
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