Shape your body with 3 yoga exercises
Shaping the body , improving your curves but also reducing body fat. Mission Impossible? According to Zoe Bray-Cotton , inventor of the ” Yoga Burn ” method , a discipline that combines yoga with a training routine in a short time that boosts the metabolism and allows us to reduce body fat and therefore lose weight, it is quite possible . Zoe illustrates three key exercises to shape the body, and on the contrary explains what is counterproductive for those who want to lose weight but maintain a harmonious physique .
Let’s get to the counterproductive thing:
Doing cardio.
Doing cardio allows us to burn calories, it is true, so running, jumping, treadmill or stationary bike are helpful for those who want to lose weight by keeping energy intake under control. By burning more calories than we take in, we can obviously lose weight . And so far everything is ok. But what if instead of getting rid of the fat, cardio made us burn more lean mass? What if it helps slow down your metabolism? This alas is the risk that you can run, explains Zoe, who does not recommend long running sessions to lose weight. She loses weight, but she does not reshape her body, and the stress increases. All this negatively affects the metabolism. And the excess fat doesn’t go away.
On the other hand, a daily session of just 15 minutes of exercise can work wonders if the exercises are done quickly but with correct posture. To shape the body, here are the 3 key exercises that Zoe recommends.
1) Lateral leg lift: standing, with contracted abdomen and buttocks contracted, one leg is lifted sideways, extended to the maximum (without losing balance) and then put back down. This simple exercise, which can be repeated ten times per leg, with a few seconds of rest and then repeated two or three more times, helps to shape the waist and draw the hips, acting on the adductor muscles and part of the gluteus. Once this exercise is done, also do the variant: still standing, instead of lifting the leg sideways, lift it backwards (as if wanting to kick), contract the buttocks and put it back down. 2) The crab walk: this walk is done sideways, and is a very effective exercise. Simply take a side step, lower your torso as if to sit with your legs open, and close the step with the other leg. Here is an example. If you use an elastic band around the legs (above the knee, not below) it is even more effective. The ideal would be to take thirty to fifty steps, twice on each side. 3) Reverse Lunges: Normal lunges help shape the quadriceps, but reverse lunges are more effective for glutes and hamstrings.
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