Sensitivity to carbohydrates, the study
A theme that is also animating scientific studies. Let’s get to know what carbohydrate sensitivity is and the study and data analyzed.

A recent scientific study reported important correlations between the taste sensitivity of carbohydrates with the association with starch intake and waist circumference measurement in adults.
An affiliation of several authors performed this study together with research groups from Deakin University and the Institute of Physical Activity and Nutrition in Australia. The review of the study took place in September 2017 and was confirmed as a carbohydrate sensitivity study .
The goal was to investigate the associations that may exist between the sensitivity of complex carbohydrates with food intake in adults and their anthropometry, that is, the circumference of the waist.
The scholars wanted to investigate precisely this correlation because other recent studies have suggested that the variation in the sensitivity of complex carbohydrates may influence the choice for food consumption . Furthermore, it also seemed that the perception of complex carbohydrates and that of simple carbohydrates are independent of each other.
The study in detail
In this study complex carbohydrates such as maltodextrins and oligofructose were administered orally and sensitivity thresholds for these carbohydrates were subsequently measured. The subjects involved were 34 people including 18 women and 16 adult men.
Of these people the specific data of weight, height and waist circumference were collected , which is indicated by the acronym WC. In addition, each subject kept a food diary in which to note what he ate during the day and a questionnaire that was used to identify the frequency of the food eaten.
The numbers detected and the measurements of sensitivity to complex carbohydrates were found to be significantly correlated with the energy consumption of the waist circumference (WC) with diet and starch intake . The subjects who were more sensitive to carbohydrates had both a higher waist circumference and a higher starch intake index.
In conclusion, it was possible to demonstrate the initial hypothesis according to which sensitivity to complex carbohydrates influences both the waist circumference and the choice of food consumption in adults.Read also Dissolve abdominal fat with Citrus Aurantium >>
But what is carbohydrate sensitivity?
When we eat bread, potatoes and refined cereals we are taking in complex carbohydrates which therefore contain starches . While when we eat a cake, cookies or other sweets that essentially contain sugar we are taking in carbohydrates in this case that are simpler than the starch form.
Both of these sugars and starches are transformed by our body to be used as energy and when they are in excess they are deposited as reserve substances in the fattest parts of our body.
To do this process every time we ingest carbohydrates our body must produce insulin and we therefore begin to talk about sensitivity to carbohydrates when blood sugar levels are exaggerated after meals and when the body begins to go under stress due to the continuous demand for insulin .
When insulin is no longer very effective due to too high and too frequent peaks, we begin to have problems in the body that can even reach forms of diabetes .
Generally, however, a body after ingesting a large amount of carbohydrates an appropriate amount of insulin which, however, because of this sensitivity can become a too high and frequent demand for insulin. Insulin is needed by the body because it has the function of allowing the entry of sugar that is circulating inside the cells.
This process is called cellular metabolism and if it occurs too often and too quickly it leads to two consequences: one the sudden reduction of blood sugar with the possibility of symptoms such as irritability, headache , fatigue and confusion and second the body is pushed to store substances instead of continuing in the processes of burning and using fat.
Therefore, maintaining correct blood sugar levels and consequently an adequate insulin requirement are certainly the key points to reduce sensitivity to carbohydrates
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