Sense of satiety, ways to increase it (and be less hungry)

Sense of satiety, ways to increase it (and be less hungry)

How to work on the sense of satiety, increasing it and managing to be less hungry? Here I will explain a series of tricks that I have personally found very effective and which I hope will be of help to those who would like to stay at the table, have tried them all but cannot manage them, if not exercising a form of self-control on themselves. which in the end is exhausting. In short, here are some ways to increase the sense of satiety.

1) Pay attention to the food we choose: I currently train and eat a diet of about two thousand calories. Soon I will have to increase them to cope with the training, however for some of you it will seem like a lot. However, if I make a list of what I eat, depending on the foods I will eat, I may or may not be satisfied.
For example. An average chocolate snack is about 200 calories. Now, with my calorie ceiling, I could eat up to ten snacks in the day. Or, for the same caloric ceiling I could eat: 400 grams of oranges + one kg of broccoli + two tablespoons of olive oil + 400 grams of potatoes + 300 grams of fresh borlotti beans + 5 grams of dark chocolate + 300 grams of meat veal and 5 rusks.Secondo voi quale delle due scelte mi sazierà di più?
Fate caso che a parte le fette biscottate, la maggior parte del cibo inserito nel secondo tempo è naturale: il che significa ricco di fibre, ricco di acqua perché più idratato (è il caso della frutta, della verdura, delle patate, dei legumi freschi e non secchi).

Se abbiamo fame e ci sembra di mangiare poco, puntiamo su queste caratteristiche per scegliere il nostro cibo.
2) Conoscere l’indice di sazietà:if we do not know how to do it and this first explanation is not enough for us, we look for the tables of the food satiety index. In a way the satiety index translates what I already expressed in point one: a combination of hydrated and fiber foods has a high satiating power, but proteins are also very satiating. You can find it here . Obviously it is not exhaustive of all foods, but it does give you an idea of ​​at least some categories. So let’s review the shopping cart based on rules one and two. In addition, there are small tricks that can help you eat less because you are more full.
You already know some of them:
– drink two glasses of water ten minutes before eating
– place an appetizer of raw vegetables or a protein food, for example a yogurt, before the traditional meal
– chew slowly and avoid distractions while eating
– try to cut down on artificially sweetened foods
– try to eat more raw foods, or minimally cooked (for example crunchy vegetables, even if cooked, and not pulped).

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