Secondary progressive multiple sclerosis, can I slow it down?
I am 65 years old and four years ago I was told that I had secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. At first they gave me cortisone and I was able to walk almost normally, but after a certain period I got worse and now I walk only with two crutches, I drive with a modified car … with the use of cortisone they also reported diabetes of type 2. I would like to understand if I can alleviate the discomfort and slow down the path.
Health Answers

Hello, try to visit the site, they are special treatments that do not require your time or your physical presence … Obviously, given the declared pathology, it would already be a “successful” start if you can as it says She to alleviate the discomfort and slow down the path. .Thanks and best regards. Alessandro Forlivesi

Hi, multiple sclerosis is a disease of the immune system, in fact it assists to an attack of the immune system against the central nervous system. Exactly the myelin sheath that protects the nerve fibers in the central nervous system is damaged. myelin regeneration is basic folic acid and bitamine b12. As anti inflammatory therapy take vitamin C, vitamin D, green tea, devil’s claw and boswellia. Consume omega 6 every day found in fish, olives, nuts and seeds, also take zinc, vitamin A and vitamin B complex. To slow down the processes of multiple sclerosis, Colostrum, the first cow’s milk that has a high content of immunoglobulins, is very useful. I remain available.
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