Satisfying and low-calorie homemade bars: recipe

Satisfying and low-calorie homemade bars: recipe

Today I’m talking about a very simple recipe for making homemade bars that are satiating, low-calorie and rich in fiber. Their peculiarity is that the basic ingredients are only 4 and all easy to find. Each bar contains only 68 calories and is full for a long time.
We can have two for breakfast with a cup of tea and coffee if we want to lose weight and one as a snack. Then we just have to eat a small fruit as a snack and have two balanced meals to lose weight.

The peculiarity of these homemade bars is the use of special fibers that fill but also promote intestinal regularity, reducing swelling. It is a special and very simple recipe to make, even vegan. Let’s see it together.


To make 24 bars.

Tools: a rectangular baking dish, parchment paper, a spatula or a spoon to level the mixture.


3 large yellow apples (consider about 250-300 grams per apple)
100 grams of ripe banana + a few drops of lemon juice
90 grams of oat flakes
150 grams of unpeeled almonds.
Optional additions: cinnamon, grated orange or lemon zest, olive oil one teaspoon.


To make our homemade bars we have to play with a day, or rather, a night, in advance. Take the almonds and soak them overnight in double or triple water compared to their weight (for example half a liter).

The next day, cut the apples into pieces (with the peel) after washing them and remove the core. Drain the almonds well and dry them with absorbent paper. In a large food processor, place the apples, almonds and oat flakes. I advise you to add some lemon zest and a sprinkle of cinnamon. Chop the mixture evenly, a thick dough will come out. Separately in a bowl, mash the banana well (do not blend it) and add a few drops of lemon juice. Transfer the mixture to the bowl with the mashed banana and stir vigorously.

Take a rectangular baking dish, line it with parchment paper, grease the parchment paper with a teaspoon of olive or coconut oil (it is optional but I recommend it) with the help of absorbent paper. Pour the mixture evenly onto the pan, level it with a spatula wet with a little water or the back of a spoon, make sure it is regular before putting it in the oven at 190 ° for about 35 minutes (above they must be colored).
Turn off the oven and let this base cool for 10 minutes. With a knife, first cut the mixture into two equal parts for the longer side, then cut in half again for the shorter side. Each quarter of the pan is then divided into two halves for the longer side. Each half must be divided into 3 equal parts. In this way you will get 24 bars all the same. Transfer them to an airtight container lined with parchment paper. You can keep them out of the fridge for one day and then in the fridge for another 3 days.


You can have two for breakfast, as I said, and one for a snack. Even if they are small they are very filling.
If you want to lose 2-3 pounds a month, have this breakfast and this snack bar, just one other snack with a small fruit of your choice, and balanced but dietary lunch and dinner. For example 60 grams of wholemeal pasta or brown rice with sauce or vegetables and a teaspoon of oil at lunch + half an apple or 3-4 strawberries. Or 50 grams of wholemeal pasta with 120 grams of boiled legumes, a teaspoon of oil, half an apple.
For dinner, a portion of 120-150 grams of meat or fish or 100 grams of low-fat dairy or two eggs, vegetables with a teaspoon of oil, a small fruit. The bars will help you not to feel hungry.

Nutritional values: fat 4 grams, carbohydrates 8.5 grams, of which fiber 3 grams, protein 2 grams, calories 68.

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