Sassy water, detox and slimming water

Sassy water, detox and slimming water

Flat stomach right away? Try the sassy water, or the famous “sassy water” of the American dietician Cinthia Sass.

Cinthia Sass has created this water that works wonders to increase weight loss when on a diet, or to deflate quickly.

I tried it last summer. In fact, in addition to being really thirst-quenching, sassy water is also very diuretic.
I said: a lot.

Thanks to the perfect combination of cucumber, citrus, mint and ginger.
It has no calories or almost, and should not be drunk sweetened, not even with sweetener.

A water that fights water retention in a truly remarkable way, thanks to the minerals of the ingredients that are released into the water. So here is the sassy water recipe.


In two liters of fresh water, grate a teaspoon of fresh ginger, then add slices of a small or half large peeled cucumber, slices of a lemon (including peel) and 12/14 fresh mint leaves. The mixture should be prepared the night before for the day after, leaving it overnight in the fridge.

If you want a stronger taste, you can also leave us a piece of ginger root or put a stick of cinnamon.

The slices of cucumber and lemon must be thin enough to soak in the water for a long time. You can keep the water in a jug, and then drink it by filtering it into the glass, so as to leave the ingredients to macerate all the time.

I recommend: two liters can be drunk in one day.

It’s not like you have to cherish it for important occasions.
If you want, here is a tip that I have seen done in the blogs of American girls all about diet and fitness: you can make more bottles of sassy water, taking care to be able to put the sliced ​​ingredients in the bottle. So you can take her to work.
By itself, sassy water causes you to lose a pound a week without a diet.

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