Running mistakes that make us fat

Running mistakes that make us fat

Running is the activity that allows us to burn the most calories of all aerobic activities.

And it is also an activity that can be done by those who prefer to avoid training indoors or in the gym.

With an average of 6/700 calories burned per hour (an average which however depends on the kilometers traveled and also on our body weight), running has always been one of the favorite activities for those who want to lose weight.

Yet, yet … Yet many people who choose to run to lose weight, not only do not drop by a pound, but in some cases they even increase. A lot of people write to me complaining about this very strange inconsistency. What happens?
Let ‘s see the 4 mistakes that make those who choose to run to lose weight gain weight.


  • You eat too much.
    So, running is stressful. Paradoxically, in some cases, walking makes you lose weight more than running, even if you burn about a third of the calories from running. But we can walk briskly for two hours and not feel tired, while we can run for an hour or two and end up pumped.
    The body responds to this “fatigue” with incredible hunger. Without realizing it, many people eat much more than they should and often concentrate everything in a single meal, that of the after-run. With the risk of getting engulfed and not losing weight, but taking it.
  • You have to run more.
    Jogging for a week or two has swollen your leg muscles, but fatigue is another matter. Probably if you have gained weight it is because you have recently run and you still have to find your suitable workout to move on to the next step: losing weight.
  • You hydrate yourself with junk food: beverages and juices that you think hydrate you and make you regain lost mineral salts are not the solution if they are abundant in sugar and do not satiate you enough to eat less (or not to overdo it at the table). Liquid calories are the most insidious: so we pay attention to what we drink, especially if it does not replace the meal but is an extra.
  • Your run is monotonous: just run, when you should get to moments of anaerobic effort to burn more and stimulate the metabolism with high intensity. So you have to diversify: change distances, change routes, jump every now and then, run at different speeds. For example, run as fast as you can for one minute, pick up slowly and repeat in series.

    A correct diet for those who love to run, combined with the right training plan can make you lose a lot of weight.
    Here is a plan designed for those who want to run to lose weight . 

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