Rosanna Lambertucci’s post coronavirus diet

Rosanna Lambertucci’s post coronavirus diet

Rosanna Lambertucci, journalist expert in healthy eating and wellness, has recently come out with a new book, available only in ebook format, entitled “Getting back in shape. 4 Weight loss weeks to regain well-being after the lockdown ”(Mondadori).
But she did even more.

For those who want to lose a couple of kilos, it has developed a special post coronavirus diet to purify and deflate quickly. A shock diet with a strong detoxifying effect that is part of these 4 weeks of weight loss, if we want to cancel the effects that the period of isolation and stress have had on our line.

According to Coldiretti, in fact, the Coronavirus and the consequent lockdown weigh from two to three kilos more on the scales of Italians and Italians. But unfortunately there are those who have accumulated more weight, from 5 kilos to 10 kilos even since February.
Reason? Stress, a sedentary lifestyle, a tendency to overeat when staying at home.

In this article we see the 3-day post coronavirus diet to lose the first 2 kilos and then let’s find out more about Rosanna Lambertucci’s new book.

Rosanna Lambertucci’s post coronavirus
diet 3-day lightning diet

This vegetarian-based diet by Dr. Pierantoni has been dubbed by the journalist a vegetable shower.
Based on warm or hot drinks and with a purifying and draining effect on the intestine, it is designed to keep blood sugar stable and promote weight loss. The effect is the loss of the first two pounds of swelling and retention.

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