Rosanna Lambertucci’s ideal diet

Rosanna Lambertucci’s ideal diet

Rosanna Lambertucci is a much loved public figure, and despite not having studied as a dietician or nutritionist (she has a degree in law) she undoubtedly has a very long experience in the field of nutrition and is also presenter, writer and journalist: Dieta Social is a project that comes from her and, let’s face it, is a brilliant idea, which has had a very wide response. But today I am not talking about the Social Diet , but about a diet that bears the signature of Rosanna Lambertucci, and which is called ” The ideal diet “.
What is it about?
The critical points: the ideal diet is a regimen that appeared on Healthier and more beautiful,which is ideal, in fact, for people who love good food and literally go crazy behind the grams and limitations of quantities. Here, except for some foods, you don’t weigh anything, but you have a choice of foods to use (not too restrictive). The diet tends to be protein and with a low glycemic index and basically refers to the molecular method of Dr. Pier Luigi Rossi.

In the article on how the diet works, however, we find a really questionable phrase , namely that ” with the passing of the years the number of adipocytes (fat cells, editor’s note) increases, causing the accumulation of fat mass and the consequent functional decline and aesthetics “.
Questo non è vero. Il numero degli adipociti è fisso, e varia da persona a persona, ma si assesta entro la fase dello sviluppo. Gli adipociti sono cellule particolari: si possono ingrossare, e quindi darci un aspetto più grasso, o svuotare, e quindi riducendosi di dimensione, risultare in una perdita di massa grassa. Quando diciamo che perdiamo massa grassa, non stiamo eliminando adipociti, gli stiamo svuotando. Solo in condizioni di grave obesità gli esperti considerano possibile la replicazione degli adipociti. Poiché il nostro numero di adipociti è determinato dall’infanzia, si capisce perché ci sono persone che più facilmente ingrassano e altre che dimagriscono: chi è sempre stato magro, anche da bambino, ha meno adipociti, e quindi di conseguenza una minore capacità di convertire il cibo in grasso corporeo. 

Below I publish only the first week of Rosanna Lambertucci’s diet: as always, I invite you to do a week of diet, test it on yourself, and if you like it, continue it. Then I invite you to read the links of the following weeks in the magazine and of the second month.

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