Right or wrong diet for you? How to understand it first?

Right or wrong diet for you? How to understand it first?

At one time writing this article would have taken me two minutes flat: it was enough to say “ the only diet that works is the low-calorie one , regardless of what you eat” and it would have made perfect sense, at least until a few years ago. Then, the new studies and the new dietary currents (I don’t know how to define them: trend? Mode?) Made us doubt that calories are only calories, and made us think that maybe there are foods yes and foods not, foods that are suitable for us and foods that make us fat;

right times and wrong times to eat; macronutrients (i.e. carbohydrates, proteins and fats) to pay more attention to in the percentages; types of macronutrients (not all carbohydrates are the same; not all proteins are the same, etc.). Wanting to go back to simplifying our life and above all, wanting to lose weight, how can we understand (obviously even before doing it) if the diet that we have spotted on the net or in the newspapers or of which we have bought the book is the right diet for us?
In short, it is useless to waste time, and if we do not get there with intuition, here’s how to understand if we are going to do the right diet or not.  

1) Avoid diet plans that stigmatize certain foods:
 apart from if you have intolerances certified by the right analyzes, there are no a priori good foods and bad foods. Avoid diets that have a no-food list.
2) Think of the diet plan as something to fall in love with – the diet you choose doesn’t have to have an expiration date and doesn’t have to feel like torture. You don’t have to think that you have to make a sacrifice, and after that you think, the important thing is to lose weight.
3) If the diet allows you to eat everything, within a healthier context (more vegetables in general, and a certain moderation) then it will be the right diet for you also in light of the new nutritional guidelines.

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