Reiki alignment: find and walk my way
An energetic technique to re-align body, mind and spirit in harmony with one’s life project

What is that
Reiki Alignment is a holistic technique developed by the Reiki School which is based on Reiki and is complementary to it. It is a treatment for people who feel they are “lost along the way” by forgetting their purpose in life or not finding the strength to achieve it.
Why do we need Alignment?
Emotions that have marked us, traumas, fears, lack of self-listening, limiting beliefs, conditioning and external pressures could have caused a departure from our original life project and as a consequence we are no longer aligned with it, we no longer flow easily in the current. of life with a lot of effort and feeling lost.
The physical re-alignment
Reiki Alignment was created to help us find our way and follow it with a sure footing, also putting the body back in place (especially the spine and musculoskeletal system) so that it returns to being the vehicle in which we move on our path and not a hindrance that holds us back!
Being free from pain and having a healthy vehicle suitable for the road we must take is obviously a condition that favors progress on one’s life path .
Reiki Treatment and Reiki Alignment: differences
If the first and second level Reiki treatments allow us to find balance, whatever path we are following, the Reiki Alignment aims to favor the return on our path and collaboration on all levels of being (body / mind / spirit) , bringing us back to listen to the voice of the Heart so that it can be our guide along the right path.
Align not only in body but also mind and spirit
At the level of expected results, receiving Reiki Alignment is a bit like receiving information again on “as it was intended to be” (physically, mind / emotions and the way forward) in order to “re-start” on the right path or follow it, if we are already there, with a much greater force.
Our way of life, our behaviors and the decisions that we will gradually take will be more effective , our mind more secure and present, our soul happier because we are walking “our” path, whatever it is.
Differences between Reiki Alignment and other alignment techniques
Reiki Alignment was developed specifically within the ilReiki School and differs from other alignment techniques popular today for:
- the emphasis placed on returning to one’s life plan as the main purpose of treatment (the physical benefits, while present and often significant, depend on this goal);
- the gradualness of the method / cycle which develops in four treatments thus respecting the times and resources available to the individual person;
- the presence of Spiritual Reiki to give strength and depth to the process.
Who Can Experience Reiki Alignment?
Everyone can benefit from a Reiki Alignment Cycle (there are 4 treatments, one in presence and 3 at a distance), it is not necessary to be a reikist and have attended a Reiki Course.
It is particularly recommended for those who are faced with choices to make or opportunities to be seized: for example during adolescence, in moments of important changes (bereavement, professional transformations, existential crises …), to those who feel the need to rediscover or pursue their life project with greater force, as well as, of course, for those suffering from problems and pains in the musculoskeletal system .
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