Refusing to lose weight for the beauty pageant: Miss Iceland’s reasons

Refusing to lose weight for the beauty pageant: Miss Iceland’s reasons

They asked her to lose weight after inviting her to participate in the Miss Grand International (a very important international beauty contest, which aims to give charity and send a message of non-violence and peace worldwide).
But she,  the beautiful twenty-year-old Arna Ýr Jónsdóttir , or Miss Iceland , declined the invitation with this explanation: “if they invited me to the beauty pageant I had to like me as I was; instead the head of the organization told me that for a few months I could skip breakfast and eat salad for lunch because it was a bit too meat for his taste. But if he thinks such a thing about me then he doesn’t deserve me ”( free translation, Editor ‘s note ).

In fact, Miss Iceland is not a curvy model , a somewhat indefinite category in which we see models of size 42 and decidedly extra-sized models. No, Miss Iceland is a beautiful girl and in great shape, a gymnast since she was ten, therefore with a lean, firm and muscular body that is the result of her years of work. A gymnast’s body, in fact, as you can see in the photo on the side.
If you define a person as fat in such an amazing form, we can understand the distortion of the canon of thinness, which is focused on losing weight and perhaps appearing thin and emaciated rather than defined, toned and healthy.

On social networks Arna has increased the dose: “I have no interest in giving the best of myself in a competition after receiving a similar message”.

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