Recurrent folliculitis on the bottom of my 4 year old, what to do?

Recurrent folliculitis on the bottom of my 4 year old, what to do?

Hello, I have a 4-year-old boy and for some months he has been developing folliculitis on the bottom with many red dots that also extend on the inner thighs and less intensely on the legs. The child never gets sick and always has iron health. These rashes aren’t itchy and he doesn’t complain. I tried to treat the problem on the advice of the pediatrician with antibiotic ointment (aureomycin) which immediately had a remedial effect by making the red dots disappear but reappears after a few weeks. I don’t know if power, or asylum, or some other malaise can enter it? I ask for your opinion / consultation. Thank you very much, Alessandra

Health Answers

Hello Alessandra Did anything change in your baby’s habits before the disorder appeared? do you think there is something that irritates him? that you make him uncomfortable? Did you change your diet? you can check her menu maybe by keeping written what she eats for at least a month and notice when the phenomenon occurs. to relieve inflammation you can also use aloe , calendula or oatsmaybe making a gruel with oatmeal and water and washing it with this once a day. Grapefruit seeds are a good natural antibiotic. These are some ideas to go beyond the physical disorder since sometimes what we are unable to say manifests itself in another way. Bach flowers can also be used if you have someone who can recommend them. I hope I was helpful, good evening. Silvia


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