Raffaele Morelli’s advice: the 4 pillars of weight loss

Raffaele Morelli’s advice: the 4 pillars of weight loss


I’ll be back to talk about Raffaele Morelli’s advice, but this time not for one of his books, but for the magazine he curates, Slimming .

An interesting magazine (you can find it on newsstands: try to browse an issue out of curiosity or browse the preview by clicking here ) because it tackles the topic of weight loss at 360 ° and not in a stereotypical way. It does not provide the classic advice on shape and well-being too focused on the “right things to do to have the right body in the right times” to be able to really lend a hand.

Sometimes certain messages more than do us good harm us even when we assimilate them for pure weight loss.

Think about the idea of ​​considering our target weight through what the scales tell us.

I know people who can base their mood throughout the day (and beyond) on what they see when they weigh themselves and who manage to be unhappy or happy depending on the number I see.
If it happens to you too, my advice in this case is to “throw” the scale, or put it aside for a while and focus on other aspects: reduce sedentary lifestyle and stress and improve nutrition.

Or the idea of ​​having to lose weight how and when we decide, a kind of obligatory step for our short-term realization, a goal that we set ourselves and that no matter how we reach it, the important thing is to make it on schedule even when the body he says no.

One thing that leads us to do diets upon diets, to consider extreme remedies such as fasting, taking supplements, buying anything on the internet. Things we’ve all done, but how much can we say they came from us, and how much from outside?

That’s why approaching more serious magazines and moving away from more glossy magazines can be a way to see us and our weight problems from another point of view. Today we see Raffaele Morelli’s advice and in particular the four pillars of weight loss.
These are four situations that influence us psychologically, on which to act to have a healthier relationship with food and our body and thus be able to lose weight as a result.
4 situations that make the difference between those who are thin and those with weight problems.
Raffaele Morelli explains them in this video. I will summarize them for you and comment on them here 

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