Quickly lose weight with the Every Other Day Diet

Quickly lose weight with the Every Other Day Diet

We have already talked about the intermittent fasting diet or fast diet or 5: 2 diet : it was about choosing two days a week in which to eat only 500 calories for women and 650 for men, eating normally the other days.

But there is another diet that is based on intermittent fasting and which promises to lose weight quickly, which is at least 2 kilos per week. It’s Dr. Varady’s intermittent fasting diet.
This is the EOD Diet , where the acronym stands for Every Other Day diet .

One day he gets 500 calories and one day he eats whatever he wants. Unlike the 5: 2 diet, alternation here is mandatory. So every other day we follow a fast with a maximum caloric intake of 500 calories. On non-diet days we eat normally but without bingeing.


Depending on the results we want to achieve, we can choose two solutions with the Every Other Day Diet.

  • Extra fast weight loss of 2-3 kilos per week with 4 odd days at 500 calories and 3 days of eating normally.
  • Fast weight loss of 1.5-2 kilos per week with 3 days (the even) in which we follow the 500 calorie pattern, while for the odd ones we eat normally.

In fact, alternating fasting (which can be of various types) to a normal diet has several advantages. The metabolism accelerates, because on fasting days it burns as much as on normal days ; it is true that on normal days we tend to eat more, but it is also true that after experiencing fasting we are satisfied more easily.
Furthermore, it seems that the fasting phase brings undoubted improvements on our health and contrasts cellular aging.
Unlike the 5: 2, the Every Other Day diet makes you lose more weight, and has no contraindications.

Dr. Varady states that you start losing weight after a week, by the time your metabolism starts to burn more. There is an identical version under the name of The Alternate Day diet , a book that says exactly the same thing. Stay on a diet every other day. In those yes, you eat half.
On page two I give you some examples of diet days to follow.
These are three examples of 500 calories, so you can choose one, two or try them all. The result does not change.
4-day scheme on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday if we want to lose a lot of weight. Three on even days if we want to lose a maximum of 2 kilos per week. 

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