Questions to the nutritionist, Dr. Stefano Vendrame’s blog

Questions to the nutritionist, Dr. Stefano Vendrame’s blog

stefanovendrameOne of the things that can save us from disinformation is its opposite, which is correct information . I discover hot water, but after years of writing about diet and nutrition (for those reading the blog for the first time the answer to your implicit question is no, I am not a dietician or a nutritionist: I am a “diet blogger”) when the new dietary miracle comes out that allows you to melt the extra pounds by eating a superfood or through unpublished chemical games that are explained only by buying the book I really struggle to dismantle certain theses, in the sense that I have to document myself a lot. I then wonder how much Mrs Rossi, who would like to eat healthy and intend to find out how to do it by surfing the internet or reading the newspapers,can get a correct idea of ​​the diet to follow , since I write on this blog for a couple of hours straight, but I am forced to document and search for three, even four hours a day, often translating Australian or American research. Fascinating, yes: but also a great waste of time . I work there or almost, as a diet blogger. The others may have already given elsewhere, in terms of work, and are much less sensitive than me to surf the internet to find out the insulin trend over the course of a day, the omega6 / omega9 / omega6 balance in the diet, the importance of algae. Rightly we would all like the recipe to lose weight and keep us in a healthy weight in a short time and with little effort. 
But nothing to do: there are hundreds of blogs and sites that can confuse our ideas, the books of dieticians who, in spite of a Hippocratic oath, seem to be the new parlor storytellers, and write disconcerting platitudes. Seriously, sometimes I read the private messages of someone who writes to me and I paste the link of doctor So and So, wondering what I think, and I don’t know whether to laugh, cry, ask myself that Doctor So and So is there or does it. . 

In the mare magnum of so much disinformation, and if you have little time, you think it is precious and you want to inform yourself well in a short time, I am pleased to advise you who understands it, like the young Stefano Vendrame, foodie and nutritionist with a record degree earned at just 21 years of age. Perhaps the least important news is when she graduates, unless you’re into the nerdy detail. Instead, what should interest you is that Stefano Vendrame has clear ideas, and he makes them available to you. If you want to know everything about glycemic load, good or bad fats, slow metabolism, Stefano has both a youtube channel and a site.
Let’s start from the second: the site is called Spaziosfera , but what I find most interesting is undoubtedly the first, the youtube column Very Food, in which Stefano talks widely and clearly about ideas (and unbeatable weapons such as logic) as well as the competence of plus various topics of diet and nutrition.
I’m sure if I tell you some of them you will find them interesting. Click on the titles to access the link.
1) I eat little and fatten up, how is it possible?
2) Gluten-free diet: does it make you lose weight?
3) Is the ketogenic diet dangerous?
4) Vegan diet and nutritional deficiencies
5) Glycemic index of foods. 
(The only drawback: the effects. Yes, the saturation effects, the backgrounds with the world behind and other wannabe videomaker eccentricities are indigestible to me)

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