

I was surprised that in one of your articles you wrote that yeast can be eaten for this disease, or always felt the opposite! even for tomatoes and yogurt some doubts!

Health Answers

Ilaria Porta

Hello I do not know which article you are referring to, however I reply by saying that I get excellent results by eliminating all potentially inflammatory foods such as: SWEET CHOCOLATE , MILK AND ALL DERIVATIVES. PORK MEAT . Not only by using a lot of ancestral nutrition (see Segnailet) and the help of natural remedies aimed at psycho-physical rebalancing, incredible results are obtained! with regard

Alessandra Agostini

Hi, I found this old question that hearing it very close to me, I decide to answer anyway. I also suffered from psoriasis . I say suffered, because unfortunately, being an autoimmune disease, it cannot be cured. I have not suffered from it for a couple of years now, although about twice a year for a week, my itching gets worseand the affected areas become inflamed. My advice: pay attention to your diet and if possible eliminate or try to avoid the foods you are intolerant to. Follow a purification protocol (diet and purification techniques). Take supreme magnesium, possibly quintessential sulfur or MSM. I also underline the psychic part of the pathology which is not to be underestimated. If you are interested in having more information or following an appropriate and “tailored” path to your person, please do not hesitate to contact me. Greetings Alessandra Agostini


A friend of mine solved it with the Olife olive leaf infusion. She had tried everything but to no great effect. With Olife she managed to eradicate it by 80% on the whole body. I started taking Olife for gastric reflux and chronic fatigue. After two weeks I started to get better and now I’m healed. Over time I found myself in charge of sales for the people who asked me to try the product increased more and more. Seeing is believing!! It really works and I can provide real testimonials on the beneficial effects on psoriasis. Contact me if you need. For info you can contact me at 3383284192 If you sometimes can try the product called Olife by registering on the website

Good evening. Before moving on to self-care remedies, I always recommend that you consult a medical specialist. From a psychosomatic point of view, this disease derives from emotions linked to separations, feelings of guilt and shame; certainly a path of awareness and awareness of one’s wounds combined with clinical monitoring can help the person to improve the quality of his life and to gradually restore psycho-physical well-being. Sincerely. dr.ssa Manuela Gravante

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