Protein snacks: Dcomedieta’s advice

Protein snacks: Dcomedieta’s advice

Protein snacks are an excellent snack not only for those who train , but also for sedentary people who have to keep their carbohydrate intake under control, have nervous hunger problems and in particular hunger for sweets, and find themselves badly managing between meals with the usual yoghurt, perhaps because I’m away from home. After having seen here a series of protein snacks from various brands but also natural, today we see some ideas that propose the MyProtein and the Exante Diet . I obviously haven’t tried all of their products (I often buy protein powders and supplements from MyProtein for example), but they both offer a wide choice of both salty and sweet protein snacks .
Here are my favorite options.

There are those who do not like sweet (I don’t understand you but ok), and prefer salty even in snacks. In this case we see three salty protein snacks that are among my favorites.
– Cheese Crackers: these are protein crackers, the bag of which gives us 212 calories and six grams of protein. Excellent as an after-dinner or pre-dinner snack or combined with a salad for a light meal, Exante produces them and you can find them here.
– Protein crisps: Exante produces these too. There are various flavors and I like them very much. They have around 80 calories per bag and a whopping 11 grams of protein. Excellent in particular with a barbecue or vinegar flavor. Here .
– Jerky Beef:Jerky beef is a protein snack of its own, but in Italy it is a bit difficult to find in the supermarket. MyProtein’s for 50 grams gives just nearly 130 calories and over 25 grams of protein. My favorite is the teriyaki, which tends to be bittersweet. Here .
Let’s now look at the sweet snacks. 

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