Prostate treated with phytotherapy
How to keep the prostate in good health thanks to medicinal plants and herbs and herbal remedies useful for preventing and controlling the most frequent disorders of this organ.
The prostate is an endocrine gland , the size of a walnut, which is part of the male genital system . Passed by the first portion of the urethra, it is found under the bladder and has the function of producing seminal  fluid , one of the constituents of the sperm , which contains the elements necessary to nourish and transport the spermatozoa . Let’s see the various herbal remedies to treat it.
>Â Â Medicinal plants
>Â The bud extractives
>Â Â Natural substances
Phytotherapy uses medicinal plants and natural substances that perform an anti- inflammatory and antibacterial action  and rebalance the male hormonal system , to treat prostate disorders . This organ can be the site of inflammatory diseases such as prostatitis, benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), and malignancy (prostate adenocarcinoma). Being located under the bladder and around the urethra can affect the way you urinate. therefore whenever heartburn or changes in urination occur, the prostate can potentially be the cause.
As men age, the prostate tends to enlarge. For most men, this enlargement is not a problem, but in some cases it can give rise to  symptoms of a urinary nature : slow and / or interrupted flow, difficulty or more frequent need to urinate, a feeling of incomplete emptying, and in some cases, incontinence (loss of control of urinary function).
– Prostatitis : it is an inflammation that affects men at a young age and is most often caused by an infection with bacteria , coming from the bladder or urinary canal. Incorrect lifestyle habits , stress, alcohol abuse or the practice of certain sports such as horse riding or cycling can also cause this disorder. Chronicization is given by the conformation of the prostate gland itself which favors the stagnation of secretions and bacteria . Prostatitis, especially chronic prostatitis, is often associated with decreased quality of lifedue to prostatic symptoms, which have a strong physical and psychological impact , due to difficulties in interpersonal relationships , especially in the affective-sexual sphere ; so much so that it is still unclear whether chronic prostatitis is a contributing cause of depression or whether depression can lead to a worsening of prostatic symptoms.Â
– Benign prostatic hypertrophy ( BPH ) causes progressive enlargement of the prostate , which usually begins in middle age . Although the actual causes of this disease are not yet fully understood, the data show that there is a relationship between the onset of this disorder and the hormonal change , typical of advancing age. In fact, about 25% of men over the age of 50 begin to develop this disorder.Â
– Prostate cancer : ( prostate adenocarcinoma ) often asymptomatic, it is not caused by BPH, it can be revealed by an increase in the blood concentration of semenogelase or prostate specific antigen ( PSA ), a substance secreted by the prostate gland in the sperm, the values ​​of which they must remain below 4 ng / ml . It is a relatively common cancer, the incidence of which increases with age. However, it is usually one of the cancers that respond best to treatment. Above 50, the risk is higher and therefore the PSA testit should be performed at least once a year after reaching that age. The causes of cancer are not easily identifiable but there seems to be a genetic component , in addition to that linked to lifestyle , nutrition , etc.
Medicinal plants for the prostate
- Serenoa : the pre-Columbian natives used the berries to treat various urological dysfunctions, inflammation of the prostate, erectile dysfunction and testicular atrophy. Even modern phytotherapy uses its fruits , rich in sterols , essential fatty acids , carotenoids , essential oils and polysaccharides , in the treatment of diseases of the male uro-genital system and in the treatment of alopecia (androgynous baldness). Sterols , essential fatty acids , carotenoids , essential oils andpolysaccharides perform a rebalancing action of the male hormonal system , anti- inflammatory and diuretic useful in benign prostatic hypertrophy in the first stage, in which urinary disorders predominate (dysuria) “and in the second stage, in which urinary retention increases, so the bladder it never empties completely , but a residue always remains, a perfect environment for the proliferation of microbes and bacteria.Â
- Bearberry : it can be considered a very active antiseptic  to be used whenever there is an inflammation or infection in the urinary tract, as it is able to determine an antibacterial , anti- inflammatory and calming action the continuous urge to urinate or pain . It can be prescribed in case of prostatitis , acute and chronic cystitis, in urethritis , in colobacillosis . An interesting indication, in the geriatric field, is prostatic hypertrophy with an inflammatory and infectious componentand catheter cystitis . Among the various active ingredients that characterize bearberry, phenolic heterosides (arbutoside (6-10%) determine the antibacterial action , as they release vidroquinone , the substance that effectively eliminates microbes. This last process is favored. from the alkalinity of the urine , therefore in the case of those bacteria that make the environment basic such as Proteus vulgaris or Klebsiella pneumoniae , the use of Uva ursina is more appropriate than ever, while in the case of acidic urine it is good to artificially basify, with bicarbonate sodium Gallic tannins(15-20%) protecting the mucous membranes of the urinary tract and influencing the adherence of microbes to the epithelium; they also have astringent qualities and therefore block the secretions produced by the inflamed mucous membranes cystitis. The monotropeoside triterpenes (iridoid) and piceoside (hydroxyacetophenone) work in synergy with arbutin, exerting an anti-inflammatory action , very useful in infections of this type, characterized by strong burning . Â
Also find out about natural anti-inflammatories, what they are and when to use them
The bud extractives
- Sequoia gigantea : the bud extract of the sequoia, carries out an energizing , antidepressant , stimulating action , useful in elderly male subjects . It is used in herbal medicine in the presence of reduced vitality , loss of appetite, fatigue, prostatic hypertrophy , osteoporosis and senile depression . In older people, it gives a feeling of euphoria and a recovery of strength , useful in cases of neuroasthenia with a good action both on a physical and psychological level . Also useful inreproductive system disorders , urinary tract diseases , testicular atrophy, as an adjuvant in association with other plants in male impotence , as it is a hormonal regulator . In association with Ribes nigrum it has an anti- inflammatory action for prostate hypertrophy and adenoma
Natural substances useful for the prostate
- Pumpkin seeds : they boast a long and consolidated popular tradition against intestinal worms, children’s bedwetting and prostate affections. Today, they are widely used in phytotherapeutic products for the treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy . This abnormal enlargement of the prostate, as we have seen, is characterized by urinary disorders, such as decreased urinary caliber and stream, urinary urgency, intermittent urination, frequent urination, a sense of incomplete emptying of the bladder, urinary retention and post-urination drip. Pumpkin  seeds contain betasterols that are  structurally  similar  to  androgens  and  estrogens. These substances have been shown to be useful for lowering cholesterol levels and improving the symptoms of prostatic hypertrophy, an effect that seems to be linked in part to the  ability  to  inhibit the conversion of testosterone  into dihydrotestosterone, and in part to the obstacle offered to the link between androgen receptors and  dihydrotestorone . The latter substance is a hormone derived from testosterone by the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase , involved – among other things – in the hyperproliferation of prostate cells.
- Pollen: it is used effectively in the therapy of prostatic hypertrophy and prostatitis . This natural substance contains lycopene , beta-sisterol and numerous flavonoids which have been shown to inhibit the growth of prostate tissue , which can reduce pain , inflammation and the risk of prostate cancer . Pollen also increases the effectiveness of treatments of chemotherapy when given at the same time. Unlike medicines, pollen does not attack the tumor directly, but rather stimulates the immune system .
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