Proper nutrition, diets and physical fitness: interview with Andrea Biasci of Project Invictus

Proper nutrition, diets and physical fitness: interview with Andrea Biasci of Project Invictus

I discovered the Project Invictus site a year ago, and it was an important discovery: before then, none of my reference sites on proper nutrition and physical activity sports were Italian. To be precise, it was difficult to find a quality site that addressed both issues, at 360 degrees. The Project Invictus website is exactly this: to write the articles and provide the videos there is a series of professionals both in the field of nutrition and in the field of sports, and this makes the Project a constantly updated guide for everyone. those who want to know more about a healthy diet and physical activity suited to their needs, net of the crap .

And in particular, for those looking for a true and comprehensive starting point that is not just the internet, or a text on nutrition, with essential references also on training, I recommend purchasing the book Project Nutrition .

Let this be told by one who reads two books on diets a week , of what I call “disposable”, in which the author proposes a thesis to prove his dietary model, tries to convince yourself that this is the winning path by citing a series of studies, and only after you read it do you realize how partial his position was, and you are left with more doubts than before . So much so that you regret the money spent in the text, when instead of him you would have gladly made a four seasons.

Project Nutrition is another thing , which does not make you regret anything, at the very least it costs more but saves you a mess: in failed attempts to lose weight, supplements, beliefs that have stressed you and pushed you to eliminate foods in the genuine belief that you of the good.
An honest book in an effort to clarify, debunking a series of clichés about weight loss and nutrition that we ALL have fallen into sooner or later , and giving essential ideas to those who want to approach a healthy lifestyle, including physical activity. All on an academic level, but explained in simple terms, so that we can put it somewhere between a popular text and a university text. Suitable for everyone, yes, but without wanting to sell you something. 
And to prove how and how much we have unclear ideas about healthy eating and healthy activity, today I interview Andrea Biasci , the heart of Project Invictus, founder of this project: doctor in sports science, CFT1 ISSA (max level), student in osteopathy , Master Sport and much more, Andrea today will explain to us where we are wrong.
From why we love disposable diets so much to why we have such a slow metabolism that Romero-like zombies are faster than us, and have more energy. Up to some issues that have become “hot” in recent times, for example proteins.
Are they good, bad? And physical activity: is it really “fattening” as a certain pharmacist says alas? Will he turn us into Jabba The Hutt?

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