Postural integration: what it is and what it is for

Postural integration: what it is and what it is for

Postural integration is a method developed by Jack Painter that acts on the posture to regain an attitude and create an  internal balance  in the body. Let’s find out better. 

>   1. Origins and description of postural integration

>   2. What is postural integration for?

>   3. A typical session of postural integration

>   4. Who can operate in Italy

Origins and description of postural integration

Jack Painter  was a man of extraordinary curiosity and a desire to explore. He had explored different approaches such as Zen, Yoga, Gestalt (with Fritz Perls and Marty Fromm), Rolfing (with Bill Williams), Reichian therapy (with Raffale Estrada Villa). All this before structuring Postural Integration (PI) , which has the particularity of being a technique with many aspects and with a high level of synergy and integration between its constituents . This discipline applies to different contexts.

Even today the practice is more alive than ever and spread all over the world: it has just been published in Germany by the ICPIT, the international board of qualified instructors,  Transformation of The Self With Bodymind Integration , which celebrates the work of Jack Painter and the vital cultural movement that originated from him. The essay was written with contributions from trainers active in 10 different countries and three continents.


What is postural integration for?

Massimo Soldati , psychotherapist and teacher of the method, president of the Association of Transpersonal Postural Integration , explains to us: “Jack Painter created Postural Integration as a form of self-exploration and self-learning , he was too generous, liberal and passionate a person not to want to bring to as many people as possible such an effective method of empowerment .

He has also always been very respectful of the autonomy of the individual and believed that everyone should be helped to help themselves by taking responsibility and mastering their own life experience.

Despite this approach, or perhaps precisely for this reason, over the years many psychotherapists animated by a spirit of research have approached IP and their very presence has created a bit of confusion between self-development methods and nascent therapeutic methods.

It was Jack who favored, to clarify, together with a group of psychotherapists, the birth alongside the PI of Postural Integration Psychotherapy , a form of body psychotherapy that received the prestigious three golden stars award  from the European Association for Psychotherapy . “ 

Postural integration is used to regain an attitude, create an internal balance in the body and allow it to work in a state of harmony both in dynamics and in static. If you want to learn more, we would like to point out among the various articles and essays by Mario Soldati:  “Body and Change” (New Techniques) and “Developing the Potential” (Franco Angeli).

Postural integration has given excellent results in cases of people with ongoing schizoid processes or who have suffered bullying at work or other types of trauma.


A type of postural integration session   

The purpose of Postural Integration is to favor the integration of parts and levels , it is therefore what Wilber defines as an Integral Transformative Practice, in doing this it appeals to the principle of harmony between opposing forces , which are spontaneously reached. restarting the eternal wheel of ying and yang.


Who can operate in Italy 

In Italy, AIPT is involved in training.

Since 1972, thousands of people have been trained in Postural Integration internationally. Postural Integration is well known and appreciated all over the world. AIPT is affiliated with ICPIT- International Council of Psychocorporal Integration Trainers. 

The courses to become a transpersonal postural integration operator are divided into a three-year period organized as follows: 

The first year of the Postural Integration and Transpersonal Bodywork (IPTBT) course is an opportunity to raise awareness of the body-mind relationship and is indicated as a personal experience of working on oneself for anyone. It is possible to enroll at this level for more years to foster a process of personal growth and Transformative Integral Practice (Wilber) . Many professionals can benefit from it and develop new skills to use in their business. 

After an evaluation at the end of the two-year period, a certificate of Transpersonal Bodywork Class Conductor is issued by AIPT and by Progetto Italia the relative EPS / CONI Technical Card and the Certificate of Technical Competence , which enable to conduct classes of work on the body and meditation in a playful-motor context.

We advise you to seek only courses promoted by  the international board of postural integration instructors, a body with functions of supervision and control of training courses, based in Ghent in Belgium. Only the courses certified by this organization are enabled and meet internationally agreed quality requirements.

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